Welcome back guys. In this video, we're going to learn what's in user flow. And why is it important in user experience design? I've already designed to use a flow for a project. Let's look at it carefully and examine each part. user flow is the path the user takes in order to complete a goal in a website or an application.
In our case, since we're designing a ticket booking application, the user flow is guiding the user to buy tickets to his favorite concert. Designing and user flow is a crucial part in any application, since it defines a clear visual guide of how the application should look like and how the user will navigate through it. each rectangle represents a separate screen that will exist within our application. The arrows indicate the relationship between the screen Firstly, we have our user entry point, which is the splash screen. This is the screen that appears as soon as the User launches the application. After the application loads in the background, the splash screen fades away.
And we're presented with the login screen. The login screen is important for our application. Since the goal for application is for the user to buy tickets, we're going to need him or her to log into our application in order to obtain his or her personal information. After the user logs in, he's presented with the parts of the screen. Here, the user can find a list of parties that are available for the day. As we can see, the user can proceed to the calendar screen where he or she can select a day in the calendar and see the parties available for that particular day.
From here, the user can also access tickets queen. If the user hasn't bought any tickets, he or she is shown an empty screen. Now, designing an empty screen is an important trait in user experience design. As a designer, you should always include some appropriate graphic text that indicates empty state, and a call to action that will navigate the user and normally have him on a dead end. In our case, if there are no tickets available in the ticket screen, we should add a call to action that says something like buy tickets now. And we'll take the user back in the cycle.
Okay, so back to the party we screen. When the user taps on a list item in a particular screen. He is redirected to the single party screen, which contains details about that particular party, such as party venue, the ticket price, when the show will start, as well as a small video sample for that particular DJ. From the single party screen. The user can navigate to the video screen where he can watch the available video sample and get familiar with the DJs music The more important thing the user can do in the single party screen is to book tickets for that particular party. He is then taken to the book ticket screen, which he or she can choose how many tickets to purchase and the credit card info.
After that, he or she is shown a success message if the purchase was successful, or an error message if the purchase wasn't completed, showing a success or error message is crucial for the user, as he or she is giving feedback about whether the tickets were purchased or not. Given feedback to the user is one of the most important things in user experience design. Because as a designer, you should never leave the user in a state where he or she doesn't know what's happening. After the tickets are successfully purchased, the user is then taken to the ticket screen where he She is shown the bought tickets. This concludes the path the user takes. He completes the full cycle using our application.
And this concludes our video. See you in the next one.