Hi, everybody, and welcome back to the kitchen. Well congratulations because you've learned so much on this journey with me, healing with food, learning about your nutrition, offer recovery for breast cancer, Li experiencing breast cancer. So we've learned how to know what is really healthy, how to understand food labeling, and what to look out for when you actually go and shopping for your food. You've also learned what the number one food for fighting breast cancer is thought to be in this day and age. And it's amazing good ol broken line. And also you've discovered some nutritional snacks to replace that sugar with because you don't want to be eating all that sugar.
But of course we weren't replaced with something just and sweet and nice and tasty. So you've got those recipes there. And I hope you can use these recipes and enjoy them. All your nutritional basics are covered. So you can start to put the rest of the puzzle together now, because when we're recovering from breast cancer, we sometimes need some lifestyle changes, including a bit of exercise, something like yoga and something to keep us healthy and positive up here. Now your doctor can advise you on what sort of exercises to do and how much I like yoga and walking.
And I do mindfulness unqualified mindfulness teacher. So I'd like to share with you some of that mindfulness to get things happening in a positive forward. projectory up here, so and scientists have discovered the great healing benefits of mindfulness. So there are techniques to help improve your physical health, your mental health and your emotional health. It's all to do with mindfulness. So when recovering from breast cancer, I found this simple practice really helpful.
And it helped me really manage my thoughts because they can really go down a dark spiral sometimes and mindfulness can help bring you out of that and get you on a really positive track. So it's at least sometimes difficult to manage those thoughts. So I want to share with you how to do that, how to make sense of your new normal, how to be connected with yourself and your family. Once again, after you've been really rather disconnected from everything except your treatment. You know, we need to come back into the into our new normal and learn how to cope and deal with that from this different perspective. So I hope you can join me and learning a bit about mindfulness and how that can really help manage your fear.
To manage the new decisions you might be faced with, do I go back to work? Do I continue down this particular road, because we're all feeling different after we're recovered from breast cancer. So we want to make connections we need to connect with so often, and our families and our friends. So now you've got all this fantastic nutritional information. I hope you can run with it. And join me for some mindfulness, for breast cancer recovery as well.
So thank you so much, everybody. Congratulations again. And I hope to see you soon in my new course, upcoming course. Mindfulness for breast cancer recovery. Thank you, everybody. I'll see you again and bye for now.