Hello again, this is your host Habib's Korea and in this lecture we will implement dmvpn between all four sites using phase three. This will be our final topic for dmvpn. So, so please follow along. The idea behind this implementation is to make sure that all the spokes can communicate with each other and there will be an mg or a tunneling. The Hub will still act as a hub, but it will make sure that default route can be injected to all the spokes. The other point that we will be checking is there is a adjacency tunnel between each routers plus the hub So, each router can see adjacency To the next router, and that it's it's facing and so on.
So in this phase, basically what we will do in the hub is we'll use IP and HRP redirect. This is something that I will show you during the demonstration. And on this box we will use IP and HRP shortcut. Those are the commands that we will be using. We will simulate some land segments in this demonstration as well, we will create some loopback addresses be on each of these spokes routers just to make it more interesting. Now also as a bonus, we will add eigrp and run it across all the network to simulate the routing capability on on a network and we will see See how this will turn out.
On the configuration point of view, we are picking up the same configuration we left off in phase two, which was implementing dmvpn using dynamic mappings in phase two, but we will build on that basically. So let's start there's quite a lot to do here. And hopefully we can get it working according what we are expecting to do. So let's go to r1 first of all and console into r1. Let's adjust the fonts are one is up and running. First of all, we will check the configuration on tunnel one that we previously did.
We will add a couple of command to the tunnel interface. So let's start. So we are going to the config interface first before and we will we will run router eigrp 10 network zero dot zero dot zero dot zero that's all we need to do in terms of adding eigrp into the network. And let's go to the interface tunnel one And also there's another thing on the tunnel one in the hub is we have to make sure that we can run multicast traffic. So we will do tunnel mode we will need to do IP and HRP map, multicast multicast dynamic and that command to make sure that we can run multicast dynamic routing basically as you Do you know any interior gateway routing protocol uses unicast as well as multicast to advertise its its its its updates, and that's the reason we have to add we have to make sure that the nh RP map multicast dynamic is added.
The other thing we need to do here is make sure that there is no split horizon on the on the tunnel interface. And this is the configuration for it. We will say no IPS please rise in AI GRP. And we will do IP summary address iE 10 zero dot zero dot 000 dot zero dot zero dot zero just follow along the steps as I do So the IP and HRP map multicast dynamic will need to be running all the advertisements in there. The split horizon basically means that any interface that receives that under retirement cannot, cannot be used to send back advertisement to the other routers. So, so that's the reason we have to basically change that behavior by putting no IP splitters and Ei GRP 10 in the configuration.
Our purpose is to make sure that it can send traffic back, advertise traffic back from the same interface. That's all we need on the hub side for now. And let's save the configuration. So what we did is basically in the tunnel One is we said no IPS with horizon We made sure that the we made sure that the IP n HRP map, multicast is dynamic. That's all we needed to do. There's another command we need to run which is IP n HRP redirect on the tunneling interface.
So interface tunnel one IP nh RP redirect. That is that is an important one for phase three. So, let's do that. Yeah. So IP and HRP redirect means that if router two wants to reach r four, and it sends its request to r1 r1 will let him know. It will let him know that r two can reach directly to our floor.
And the good thing about it then our two will learn its own routing table and it will keep its own database acting as semi autonomous router in this case, and in this way, each spoke will have its own information and then don't need to go to the hub router. I hope that clarifies why we put in those commands in the hub. Now let's go to our two are two is up and running and we can see the configuration of the tunnel one We will just create some loopback addresses and our two and we will assume that these are network segments that are connected to these routers and we will use IP n HRP shortcut and we we will add the IP n HRP map multicast address to the interface tunnel one and we have to add the IP NHS nh RP NHS address because this is but I can see that it's already been added from the past configuration and we will also run the eigrp and our two.
So, let's do that. So router yeah GRP 10 networks zero dot zero dot zero dot zero. That will enable the eigrp on all the interfaces of this router, and we'll create interface loopback zero and add the IP address for the loopback. As you notice the loopback address the loopback interface came up right away. So we'll add 20 dot 20 dot 22 552 552-255-2255 and no shut. We don't have to do no shut but it's just basic practice interface loopback Let's just check the let's check the interface channel one and and here and the interface channel one will start adding and the first command is IP and HRP shortcut.
And IP n HRP map, multicast 172 dot 16 dot one dot one exit that's to show running config interface tunnel one just to verify the configuration of the interface of the channel interface and it looks like we completed the configuration of the channel one now we will go into r three and r four. But let's go first to our three and do a step by step configuration that we did in our to suggest the fonts. We will enable AI GRP first on the on the router r three. So router er GRP 10 network zero dot zero dot 00 dot zero dot zero 10 is usually the process number I will add the loopback addresses as well. interface loopback zero is up and we want to add the address 30 dot 3232 30 255-225-5255. Let's exit interface tunnel one we'll add one command here IP and HRP shortcut and the other command IP and HRP map.
Multicast 172 dot 16 dot one dot one exit exit And let's, let's verify the configuration on tunnel one. There you go. And it's looking good. We would do the same changes in our for our for is up called T. We will add a routing protocol router AIG Rp 10. We will enable the eigrp 10. On all the interfaces by just putting zero dot zero dot zero dot zero dot zero dot zero dot zero exit will go into interface tunnel one and we will add IP and HRP shortcut IP And HRP map multicast 172 dot 16 dot one dot one which is the NVM A of the r1 interface FA zero slash zero interface IP address.
Now we will just simulate some LAN interfaces by putting interface loopback zero IP address and we'll say no shot, exit exit. First thing we need to do is verify the the routing table and we do see that there's an Ei GRP entries in The routing table as well as the connected entries, the connected interfaces, which are the loopback address IP addresses. And then you as you can see there is a static route already added. And this is because the default route was added previously to our previous labs, as you know on the routers, so they can communicate with the ISP cloud but the idea is it should get a default route from our One. So if I go to our for config and we will just remove the default route that we added in our previous labs. So if I do no IP Route Zero dot zero dot zero dot zero that should do it and remove the default route from the router r for now if I do show IP route, there is no default route in the routing table.
So now that we removed the default route, we still need to reach the actual links to the other routers. So we will add IP route one 72 dot 16 dot one dot 12552 255-225-5172 dot 16 dot four dot 10. So basically we're adding a static route towards the other routers to towards the other spokes and the hub. That's what we are doing. We are we are completing our four before all the other routers exit we will move to our three as well and do the exact same thing. We have to remove the static route that we have added previous Lita was communicating directly to the default gateway of the router.
So you can see there's there's already that tunnel is going up and down. tunnel is going up and we'll do a show dmvpn perfect. So as you can see our one is already communicating with all the other routers. We're doing show IP route and the routing table is created. So there is a just Formed already they're checking our to just to see have received the routing table updates. So I'm doing show dmvpn so it has one dmvpn created.
So if I ping 10 200 204 It's not pinging. So we have to troubleshoot what the problem is. This is also part of the lab. Looks like r1 has some sort of a configuration that is missing, but we will verify now let's go to r1 to show running config double check We have tennis like mistake here. We shouldn't be adding an IP default route in our one. No IP Route Zero dot zero dot 00 dot zero dot zero IP route 172 dot 16 dot one dot one dot two dot two sorry two are two 25525 525-525-5172 dot 16 dot one dot 10.
That's perfect. And we will do the same thing for our three. Do the same thing for our four. So basically we removed the default route that was there and we are doing static route connectivity to all the other routers. It's looking much better now let's check our two Let's do show IP route. So, as you can see, there is a default route that is injected into the routing table from r1 to r two.
We will have to check if the same D four route is propagating to all the other routers show IP route. And yes, we can confirm that and go to our four as well and, and do show IP route. And yes, we can see the tunnel we can see the default route that's coming from r1 The other test we can do is basically check adjacency and making sure that the routers have adjacency to tunnel one. So there is a ton on one edges and see some pinging arches IP address and our threes IP address tunnel IP address and from our for everything is pinging and if I do show dmvpn I can see that the tunnels are created with the others folks. So dynamic tunneling is created And it's reachable. So phase three is all about propagating MGR eternal to all this folks.
And in this video we have demonstrated that and we have achieved our our task here. I hope this video was very useful to you and I hope you can use it in practical life and in