Creating Design

Create Animated Instagram Stories in Photoshop Create Animated Instagram Stories in Photoshop
13 minutes
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In this video, we are going to start designing our Instagram story. And to do that you have to create a new file. To do that go to File New. And once you do, you have to enter these values. So for the width 1080, make sure you're on pixels. So just select them from here for the height 1920.

And for the resolution four pixels per inch, make sure it's 72. Because if 300 is selected, just so you can know 300 is for the print. And because you're creating stuff for the web 72 is quite enough and it will make your file size smaller at the end. So that's one good thing about it too. So press OK. And you're going to end up with this file. I'm going to double click right here and just rename it BG Press Center so I can know that this is my background.

And this is going to unlock this layer because we're going to move with a bit later When we start animated our story, you can hit Ctrl zero so you can snap into place. And now we're going to start designing our story. So first things first, I'm going to click right here choose Rectangle tool. So just click and hold to the left mouse click and choose Rectangle tool and I'm going to draw it right here. For the dimensions, I'm going to choose 750 for the width, and I'm going to choose 1500 for the height. If you don't see this Properties panel, you can go to Window and then choose Properties from right here.

As you can see, I only have two of them here. Most of the times you have, for example, these actions and brush settings and so on, but whatever you don't need, you can simply uncheck right here and it will leave your workspace a lot cleaner. Now I'm going to position this to the top and to the right, like so. And if you don't see it guidelines you can always go to view, click extras, Rulers and Snap and it will show you everything you see right here. I'm going to double click right here and type in image because this is going to be our image. And I'm going to double click right here to change its color and simply type in D, D D to choose a light gray.

Choose Okay, just so that I can see what I'm working on right here. Next, I'm going to hit ctrl j to duplicate this layer, and I'm going to simply name it top color. Because I'm going to create a color right here and we're going to place it somewhere around here. Let's say Press Enter. And for its dimensions, we're going to choose 220 with 440. For example, press Enter.

And we're going to position it roughly around here. We're going to leave it to be this And now we're going to hit Ctrl G one more time, click right here, all with using Move Tool and shortcut could move to is V on your keyboard simply rotated while holding Shift, and I'm going to position it to around here and to this right edge. And for its dimensions, let's choose something like 634 with, let's say 140, press enter, and I'm going to simply position it to the bottom edge of our image and to the right edge of our file, like so. Next up, I'm going to duplicate it once again, and double click right here and name it line and we're going to double click on this text name this one bottom color. And for the line, I'm going to rotate it like so. Position it roughly around here presenter for the width.

I'm going to choose to I'm going to double click on it and select it from here. Now also there is a line tool in Photoshop but I like to choose my lines using shape layer, which is this layer right here. Because that way I can change its width and height, strokes, add shape effects and so on. without disturbing the layer properties. I'm going to enlarge it just a touch to around here. And I'm going to leave it like so.

Next up we're going to create our text so you can hit this text tool, click anywhere right here, and simply type in new press enter. rolls, like so Ctrl A to select everything hit right here so you can position it to be left aligned. Good to just play fair display. Maybe we can choose something ticker like black metallic, see how that looks like maybe Bold Italic. Yeah, I like this one a bit better. We're going to choose 94 it, press enter, hit right here or your enter once again, and make sure it's in the middle of this one.

And to make sure you are correct, you can hit Ctrl. Click right here inside of this layer icon, choose your text and simply hit right here to position it in the middle Ctrl D to deselect. Now, we're going to duplicate this text layer, so Ctrl J, and we're going to move it down and move it down to here because it's going to be right here below. And we're going to choose for example for it to be 60 to be regular to be in the middle, and we're going to type in shop now for example, press Enter Ctrl click right here inside of the BG and choose Move Tool and position it in the middle like so Ctrl D, and now we're going to make sure that's in the middle between This bottom edge and the edge of our image, simply choose rectangle marquee tool and draw a selection.

From here until it snaps, press V on your keyboard. And now simply click right here to position it like so now it's perfectly in the middle. And one final thing we want to do is create a hash tag to go right here. So ctrl j to duplicate this one, and we're going to position it roughly around here for now. And maybe we can type in so for example, forever young, but press hashtag. And we're going to hit Ctrl A and choose Alito for the font.

Maybe we can choose regular and for the size, let's choose 30. So to be half of our bottom text, so select it from here, press OK and we We're going to rotate it like so while holding Shift and we're going to position it until it's aligned with the edge of our color right here. If you don't see it, you can always zoom in a bit closer. So simply move it using Move tool once again, and then select rectangle Marquee Tool one more time, make a selection from here to here until it snaps you can see it, press V on your keyboard for the Move Tool and click right here, so you can position it in the middle. Now do the same for the line. So while the selection is still on, click on the line and click right here Ctrl D to deselect and now are aligned and our texts are in the middle between this color and this edge.

Now we're going to click on the line more with to around here until it snaps with the text hold shift and down arrow 1234 times so that you can move with 40 pixels down from that text and Now simply extend it all the way down to our bottom edge. And when you do, press Enter. Now, one final thing we need to do is add some drop shadow right here so that we can make it a bit more interesting. And we're going to add some little arrows right here and finally include our image. So first things first, let's add a drop shadow. So you can double click on the top color layer, it will open up these properties for the layer styles.

Click on the drop shadow and click on it one more time. You can leave it like so if you like it, but I'm going to simply move it like so click on the color, select our color from right here to make it uniform will click here. And if you don't like it, you can change the distance. So that's going to show you how far it's going to be from this shape. You can change the spread if you want to make it larger or smaller. But I'm going to leave it for example like they're pressed okay.

And you can play around with these settings if you don't like it, but it just adds a bit more life to your design. Now for the image, you can click on this layer, right click and choose Convert to Smart Object. What that will do is when you save out to this template to use it for later use, this is going to be a Smart Object where you can replace your images, you can replace everything you see right here, but it's recommended by the professionals to use Smart Objects for your images, because it's going to be a lot more simpler later on for you to change all those images. Now, we're going to double click right here and it will open up this smart object inside of the new window. And if you see all it does, so we still have the same properties and size for the width and height.

But all it does is convert this shape to smart object. Now I'm going to choose one image from Ctrl V to paste it in and I'm going to scale it down by holding Shift Alt and left click, going to position it roughly around here then shift in one of the corners. And you can see it scales down evenly. If you're on a new version of Photoshop, you don't have to hold shift at all, because it's already included inside of the shortcuts. When you happy Ctrl S to save it back, and it will show right here. Now because we added this drop shadow as you can see, this element floats nicely on this image.

If you think it's too high or too low, you can change it but I think it looks good for now, perhaps just a tad to the left for this image. So click on it, you can hold shift and a left arrow to nudge it, like 20 pixels to the left. If I save it using controllers, you can see how it looks like now. And one final thing for us to do is to add some arrows. So if I jump right here to Custom Shape tool. So once again, click on it, hold your left mouse click and choose Custom Shape Tool.

You have all of these shapes. If you click right here, you can choose any of them, but I'm going to simply choose this arrow, zoom in by holding ALT and scroll wheel on my mouse, or you can also hold control space and left click and when you want to answer Ctrl, Alt space and left click. Now, when it's selected, simply click and hold shift. So you can draw this arrow and double click on it and choose this color for example, press OK, choose Move tool. So you can position it in the middle of this text like so. Hold Shift, move it to the left edge of the text and hold Shift once once again shift, left arrow 1234 times for example.

And that looks good. Now we're going to hold Alt and duplicate this arrow until it snaps to around here now We're going to double click right here and type in left arrow. This is going to be our right arrow. Or we can simply type in arrow to, and for this one arrow one, just so that you can know what they are. Now click on the first one, hold Ctrl Click on the second one Ctrl G to group them. Double click on this group name and type in arrows, or even better left arrows, because we're going to have right arrows as well.

So Ctrl J on this group, I'll click right here to type in right arrows, press Enter. Now move them right here until they step, go to Edit, Transform and Flip Horizontal and it will flip them in the other way. And now simply hold Shift position at once again, and with shift selected and pressed, hold your right arrow key 1234 times and just to make sure that it's the same 1234 it is. So as you can see, we now have these arrows. And our design for this lesson is complete. And in the next lesson, I'm going to show you how you can animate all of it and how you can present it to be a bit more appealing and a bit more attractive to your viewers and your users.

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