Hello, last video, we have created two pages and each page has one bottom and we need to make some navigation between these two pages. In this video, I will show you how you can implement the navigation rule between the pages. Before you start implementing this navigation rule, I will just give you a brief description of or how it will works. For each page in in in your system for example, if you have 20, which in each page in your system, it should have like a name or outcome name, or like prefix name. Once this name is called the from any page, you should go to the specific page. Let's see how to do that.
Once you create it if application you will find it create an FC config, this is a task of flow. I will talk later about the task flow is the default task flow it is created here. So, to implement the navigation rule here you can track the two pages here was this task flow can give one by one Okay. Here you have two pages in one task flow and we need to implement is a navigation route. So, you have here is the component This is a component of Tosca flow you will find here control control flow case. So, I see from the bottom and I want to go to the employees and it gives a name I will say MBE and from employee I need go to the department I see I will see that okay.
We just define a navigation route so I say from department one if you want to watch me Louis send outcome code in between if you're in St. Louis and Bay want to reserve department sent outcome call department. So once you define a controller for flow like exists in this task flow is the department now if you go to the bottom in action, you'll find here action. You can find here's the employee, the employee is the outcome name which we defined here. Same in the employee, okay, in this bottom, go to action. You will find here that which we defined here, that's all very simple. All you want to do is you just add the beach here and put the navigation case and from the actions of button you select the outcome This is so let's now run so departments okay.
So this is the departments as he sees fit here which we defined as a document. This is what we defined when we defined here in the document. So title is department which is this, go to employee. Now we are in the employees beach and here go back to the department is here it will back to the department. Okay, so now we can able to navigate between the two pages from departments go to Louis and from Emily back to the departments. Why is this way but let me implement this by a different way.
Okay. If you go here for overview controller flow you will find here this is from activity department okay to go to the MPP you see you can you have to get sent outcome code in between this is like implementation of the diagram here, but I need to define a global navigation for this speech. It means if I have to intubate whatever number of pages, if I want to go to the department page, I need to send this depth because currently you can't go to to the department unless you are in St. Louis beach. So, if you are in the beach, you can go to the department, but if there are a third or fourth page, you can go to the departments. So, we need to define something called Global Navigation road. Okay, this is how to do this.
You can find this White court control flow roll you can add it here. This is like start from anywhere this it means from anywhere if I want to go to the employee who can see it is empty. Okay, we can we can we don't need this anymore okay and this we don't need this anymore and I need from anywhere if you want to want to go to the department's sent depth as an out there okay. So if you if you have see how it is implemented overview it gives here restores started means from anywhere. If you send them you will go to embroidery which from anywhere if you send it dipped it will go to the departments. Okay, so here is the department's you will find is a button you can find Now, two options one for dip one for a buoy.
So, I am in the worst moment I want to go to him believe him and Enzo em I will bear to the. So, this is it means I am from anywhere if I want to go to Zambia we just sent action called ESP. And from anywhere if I want to go to go to Bergman's sins just outcome call that So, this is will be the same like as the previous one, it should, from inventory, it will go to the employee and back to departmental documents we are in department in bV and IBV department. So, this is how you can implement as a navigation rule between pages Because of your using JSF, so you have to do it in the ADF first but if you use ESP x, when we create a page Do you remember when you create the page there are two type XML faces for gcps.
If you are using GCB x, you can use faces config. This is config is a GTP. way for navigation rule, you can define here's a navigation rule, but it should accept only GCP x and GCP GCP and GCP x. It will not implement to the GCF. But this is the way you can create a navigation rule. If you have GSP x using faces coming from here, you will add the Global Navigation rule as well.
And from here we will add the page and outcome for each page. What is the difference between zis faces config and if dusk flow This is configured there's only one file should have the old pages like if you have 30 page you should add here the old 30 page, but in a PDF you can group it you can create multiple task flow and each task flow has only a number of pages. So, if you have 30 page you can define maybe five Tosca flow each task flow has 60 page it is kind you can make like grouping for pages and each page each group of page will be in a specific task flow but if you just if config says if config is a one blaze should hold the old bitch, but because of we are using GS f now, we will not use faces config and we will use a diff task flow.
Next video I will talk in detail about task flow and what is the type of task flow. So see you next time. Have a job.