Hello, let's now try to add a detail for the search student. So, here as we did in the search teacher we will add a new column in the student which has a link will opens above up. So in this corner, let me add here a faces link and this link will have icon detail. We will remove cysts and in appearance I write short description like student details. So once the user put the mouse over the icons, you will find this short description column we can make it with spit little bits more small and we can make as our life center Towards icon in the center of sekolah and we will add the bob i will go a bit quickly because we already did this steps before. So I will add a bob up here, this pop up or content delivery lazy uncashed because we will use some value from that binding.
So I will call lazy on cached okay and inside this pop up I will add a dialogue and dialogue will have only a keyboard on because this is only for information. It was an information we just added like on okay bottom here and in link I will add a faces show pop up behavior and I will point to my pop up Your my pop up and I will select record type is action means once I produce some link, it will open this pop up and so dialog play through we can see the student the kids here is a student details actually we need two parts one for student class and one for student resolved. Student class will only be like a form symbol form and the student results we can be a table. So, let us add a panel group layout, it will be horizontal we will put each block over each other so it will be sorry vertical, horizontal to vertical The first one I will hear a pennant hitter because we are either titled or a hitter.
So I will add here banner hitter or panel box both are okay. We can see here student can say class or you didn't last and if you if you want to add student information as well. So we can add here student info information as a block and after this I will add student class and after the student class I will add student I just press Ctrl and drag the component if he to copy it brings control and the drag is a component it will copy So Moses He's here I will have three blocks, three blocks one for Student Information one for student class one for student result we can add like separator between each of them. So, let me control drag it between them. Student Information I will just drag the student to views or muster here as a form and to be read only for and they can just display ID name gender, we can just pick a small 1234 for example, and Moses 1234 we need only display for information from the student information.
This is will be have two column two rows and for student class, now I have a student class here I will drag it here as a for read only for because I guess accent will have only one class it should be one to one we should this is a different sign if this design can have the history of the student but it will make it a bit easier. So it will be one to one I will drag it as a four unit student for key I just won't display classroom and create number and to be read only. So, this printed form will have only one row two columns to be in the same line. And the last thing it will be student result and this will be tabled because they have multiple results from previous years. So let me drag it as a table 1314 and it will be read only as we're seeing good row and brace okay.
Hear me this could stretch it would be the last column to be stretched. I think no need for filtering to be displayed. I guess now let's try to run and see how the page will looks like. Okay, so let's now try to search if you open here the detail Okay, so you'll find here, this is assumed information which we select. Actually we can put this here in the same line, so we can make it as a one row and four column. And here's a student class, classroom and class number.
As you can see, the ticker ID number is not renamed correct correctly. So, we should change the label and here is a student ID student result table. What we can do here we can try to make it not stretchable like this, we can put this in the same line we can add like labeled here. So, this to mix is small things to do, let us first back here and I will you can add like with further dialogue, go for this tight here and you can select or not this, this width, we can make it for example 800 pixel, see how it looks like. Also they look and what we can do as well here and stuff Normally I would just make it the only in one row, but four column and it's a class students. Here's a grid number.
I would add the label in so you all labeled here can say great number with us, try to stop and run it again. Okay, so let's search here, seated. Okay, so take a look now become what is okay? Still the same row, and here's the grid number is a label and it now it looks Okay, this is student one if you select your student to to insert in to all looks okay, so now we add the detail in the student and in the teacher so I guess now the search part is fully finished. So see you next video