Hello, last video, we finished the search step search teacher and search student what actually we are not fully finished it, we finish it as a search screen. That's fine. But we need to add some more details about the searchers are like for example, if you are a student, you need to see some detail about the Student Life student result or to have a look in the class. So this student same as a teacher, if you search for a teacher you want to know what is the classes with which this teacher is working on. So we can add like a new column here with a detail button and once you press a detail, Bob will appear with the detail for this teacher. So let's finish fully finished the search screen before we go to to the transaction screen.
So let us now add a new column here in the teacher and once we create Since the bottom as a detailed bottom, a pop up should appear with the classes for this teacher as the TTL for the current selected teacher. So let's now jump to the code in the search teacher. I will add a new column here yours This is a teacher table result, I will right click in the table and say table, insert insert table column. Say this column I will add in here I can add link and I can select the icon I have here like detail icons, and I will remove the tickets that we need just an icon and I can draw it in urine short description is teacher says okay, so and we can make the alignment here to be center to center and maybe Woods will be 50 Okay, so once we need we Britten's on this link link, it's wrecked like bottom bottles okay.
We need to open up Bob. So at least we should first insertable we can as a bob in the simplest which we had in place if you want in the bear collection of outside anywhere is application, you can add this pop up. So let us for example, But here and because of we will use some information from a binding we will come mark is this content delivery to be lazy on cached so let's refresh the data every time you open the box as we said before, inside this probe I will add here a dialog. This dialog which is just for information so we can make type is only okay we don't need to like okay or cancel, cancel for what we make anything. It's just okay button we need and we can see here teacher law says and says this link I should add it if he says show pop up behavior to open this pop up so let's just point to our pop up it is a template body a collection to bar and we select our pop up and tie will be action.
So now Once I press on the link this pop up will appear. So let us now add the detail of this teacher view on so you're in the teachers if you want you should have a detailed because we already defined link between teacher and teacher classes. So I will drag the detail on the dialog here as a table and it will be sorting filtering and it would be a read only table. Okay but it's okay. symbol tables only two columns we can put this over this table which can add the teacher name or some information about the teacher like teacher ID teacher name. If you want to add all teacher information over this, you can drag the teacher over here as a form or a specific values like for example it is surround this with Ben in group do it and make it vertical Okay, so that I will add here that the selected teacher information above this table.
So I will drag the teacher view above the table as a form and this form will be read only for okay and Brace okay. Before we can define the number of row and column, it is for example six. Here it is a six components so we can make here column number of column three and throw two to display in the form in the two rows and three columns. And this will be read only. So this is a teacher information. We can insert after this spacer, we make some spacer, if you want to add separator, like we'll be having a center separator so we can add separator like this and we can add spacer as well between separators if you want to give a title for this as a for example, teacher information you can surround this with banner header and write the header to be teacher information and surveillance a table with a Bennett header and right Teacher Teacher class and insert table.
You can the Bureau's going to stretch we lost 123 Okay, you can disable the filter because there's only to be only two three rows no need for a filter to be displayed. So I guess now with this run and see how this pitch will look slightly Okay, so you can just now search you will find here at the bottom. So for example, if you said the teacher to should open, there's a teacher information here to share number four and it appears and here is the teacher classes will appear here. But of course there is no teacher classes. So, at least we once we assign classes a teacher, you will find that data will appear here. You remember on video I told you the difference between in the table if you set the auto height and the behavior, auto height rows if it is zero it means it will display the height the width of number of rows.
So if it is two rows or rows, so the table automatically expanded, but if You want to display it as a fixed height, even if there is no inner row or something like this you can make it minus one. So it will always have a same height. So let us have a look now if once I make this auto height is zero minus one, so it will ask you for a reload. Let's open it again. So here's a table will be always have this height like this, even if there is no row to be like this, if you want to increase it increase or keep it like this or if you want to make it in the middle you can as abundant globally out and say it shoreline will be in the center to be in the center would be something like this. If you want to be able to hide so you can return it or remove it by default it will be zero.
So it's your love. Reload. Now it will be like this. So now this is a teacher information detail. Next video I will work with the student detail. So see you next tivity