Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the course. In the last lecture, we saw some of the use cases related to the finance industry. Now let's get into one more major industry which will be disrupted by the blockchain, the healthcare industry. One of the significant problems with the healthcare security is that we always see the health Institute's facing difficulties in maintaining and sharing public health records. The solution to such a problem is to keep a public blockchain between healthcare providers, pharmacies, and patients.
All the health records of the patients are maintained using public ledger shared between the participants. Moreover, an encrypted link to the patient records can be created for the doctor and patient access only this week To maintain the integrity of the patient data, we can also integrate IoT devices to record data directly from the patient's wearable devices over the blockchain. smart contracts can also be initiated between entities to share medical records data. The benefit of using such a solution is that it will provide data security as the hackers would need to breach every participant simultaneously to access any health record. Moreover, data privacy can be maintained by using the proper permissions. Patients can grant permission to a set of hospitals or users who only can access the patient records.
Other participants will be the part of storing the patient data but won't have access to it. This type of solution also reduces Barriers involved in complex data sharing agreements. Let's visualize this use case with the help of a diagram. If you have a look at the diagram, you will see that we have different kinds of devices listed here. On the left hand side. The patient's data can come from various methods such as MRI scans, Doctor prescriptions, doctors directly uploading the patient data, health monitors, lab results, biosensors, or blood pressure devices.
This data can be encrypted and digitally signed by the patient keys and then uploaded over the health blockchain. Moreover, if the information is quite huge for the blockchain to handle, then we can also incorporate data lake, which will store the actual health records and the hash of the data can be made available over the blockchain Health Record ledger lists all the health records and data collected throughout the patient's life. It also provides unique transaction or storage space, which will link the hash data with the data available over the data lake. The data lakes stores the actual health records. All the health data is available as a form of linking transactions in the health blockchain as a reference