After identifying the use case for adoption, which is well suited for a blockchain solution, we move to the next step, which is to design workflow for blockchain integration with the problem in hand. You need to analyze whether you require blockchain as a solution, or there are other ways to present and solve the existing problem. Don't go of designing technical specification or validation without analyzing, we only need to see the strategic aspects of the issue at hand. You need to look into other solutions also, which might solve the problem and compare it with your blockchain solution. figuring out whether blockchain is the most effective solution for the problem or not. blockchain could readily employed in solutions related to the reduction in cost, increasing the transparency or reliability If you are growing your overheads by using blockchain, then your use case is not suitable for blockchain.
You need to have a complete blueprint of how you're going to integrate this technology into your development strategy, and why you should use blockchain for your use case at hand. Once you have identified the use case, and also specified the strategic details of using blockchain solution, then you need to move into defining your consensus algorithm.