One more problem faced by the healthcare industry is related to the clinical trials. Most of the time during the duration of the clinical trial, over half of the clinical trial reports become missing, or miss conducted research as reported. To solve such a problem, we can create a blockchain based solution for the provision of secure and synchronized data submission. Patients can control their data and contribute to the decisions related to their treatment choices in the clinical trials. Moreover, smart contracts can be established which can help in the inter communication of multiple clinical trials. Finally, blockchain can be created to follow permission based approach where only the authorized parties can see the clinical trial data over the blockchain.
This will increase access to critical information in the clinic. trials. Moreover, it will also improve the inter operations between different hospitals and clinical trial programs. sharing the information using blockchain provides different parties with the advantages of searching the information under multiple sources. This will also result in new treatment plans, which we have never discovered before. Let's visualize this use case with the help of a diagram.
As you can see in the diagram, we have listed three different clinical trials, which are going to use the blockchain based solution. In this example, we have clinical trial one, two, and three. All these clinical trials use a smart contract for the submission of the data over the blockchain. Clinical Trials submit the data by using the smart contract functions. smart contract internally checks the submitted data with the regulators for compliance satisfaction. Most of the processes in healthcare need to go through the regulations provided by governing bodies, such as FDA, MH, Ra, or ama.
Once the regulatory compliances are met, the smart contract automatically calls the functions to store the data as per the licenses over the blockchain. The data is always available and nobody can modify the data stored over the blockchain. pharma companies, hospitals, and doctors can submit proposals to view the data from the blockchain. The clinical trial authority can approve this proposal as per the rules and regulations and provide access to the requested data. companies and other clinical trials can also retrieve the data For their research operations, this will help them to devise new treatment plans for some of the major diseases in the world.