Microsoft Excel via these regression analyses. So we can go into this data analysis and we select regressions. So we go into Microsoft Excel, we select Iris dataset okay. So we select Iris data set, then we go into data analysis property, we select regressions there is a letter Y. So we select y be sureties there is a letter X okay then we have our labor's and constant is zero confidence interval, apo University. We do down here we can raise the residue.
Standardized residue as the Do my feet cross normal probability plot and then we can click OK. Then we have all the result here. So, we should have our degree of freedom sum of square means square. And we should have square roadies. So residue standard residue and we somehow are square. So, we have all these result here called equation say the right here coefficient, a standardized t statistic p value, lower 95% will be okay, upper 95% lower 95 upon it phi. So, this is all the regression analysis and yeah here is the R square adjusted R square So this is the regression in array