Okay, so, let's start our studio okay. So we will be discussing or doing some of the data visualizations. So, data visualization will also be in this data understanding stage. These are Chris de matar from IBM. So we will cover how to draw these bacha to in our programming allow us to produce some arbitrary histogram. So, bar chart represent data using bars the y values being the value of the variable histogram on the other hand represent the frequency of the values with T available and draw them into bars.
So, to bar chart in our we can use the bar function. So, I will as usual copy these are code for the data into these are programming here okay now I have a data data here then I can put a bar chart using these proper function. So, I can do something like these two byproducts as labor is SSIS while labor is weiss's, main is batch one Kala is green. So, I can do something like this Bob prop then data as labor K equal x as is that while labor is asleep while labor equal y essays okay then what are the settings? menu kabocha one and then color equal green okay. So main equal one then the color equals green Let me see color formula.
Yeah. Okay. Can press enter. So I that I have a bad track here. So the athlete base yeah labeling and the meanings here. Then color green.
So we this is how we protect data in this programming