Hey everyone, welcome to the class that will enable you to create a content marketing plan that will help you reach your business goals. These business goals can be anything from number of sales and revenue all the way through to email subscribers or free trial registrations. Anything that you feel is helping your business move forward, get you success, get you long term growth. The outcome of this class is a plan that you can take to your marketing department or even to your freelance writers and create content that will help you do that that will help you move your prospects and people who have never heard of you all the way through to loyal customers and people who give you money time and time again and who are helping you be a sustainable business. My name is Mariana and I work as a freelance writer and I've worked with companies in the software industry all across the b2b market with companies like AWeber, scoop it Microsoft pipe drive, and I've, I've used this method that I'm about to walk you through with all of them.
And I hope that you can take my experience and take my examples and everything that I'm about to walk you through. into your own business. No matter your industry, no matter whether you're serving businesses or consumers, and make an impact on them and help your business grow consistently and over a very long period of time with content that helps your potential customers time and time again, before we get started, make sure to check out the class project description so that you can just work alongside with me and put into practice everything that I'm walking you through as I do, and share anything that he come up with with me below as well so that I can keep an eye on it and help you out with anything that you might need. I'm so passionate about this, because I feel that a lot of content way too much content is being produced without the end consumer in mind.
And it's just being produced because it's just popular. And it's it's very hyped now to create content in order to grow. And it's a growth hack. But instead, I think it should be I think we should take a step back and understand why you're really creating content and Is there anyone out there actually cares about that because if you follow what I'm about to walk you through it Promise people will care and you will actually take a very special place in their lives because you're going to help them move from a point of difficult problems and challenges that they were not able to solve beforehand to now them trusting you and buying from you and being loyal to you and to nobody else in your industry. So I hope you are excited. I cannot wait to get started.
So let's dive right in.