What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing Mindset Email Marketing Mindset
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So what is email marketing? Well, it's kind of all there in the name, you've got marketing, this idea of promoting your services, your product, getting your message out there in front of people who need it, who wants it, who will gladly give you money in exchange for what you have to offer. And the second part with that is the email part is, of course, which is about using just plain old everyday emails, sending nothing but simple emails, and using these in order to sell your goods, your services, whatever it happens to be. Now, you might have in the back of your mind, the idea of sending unsolicited messages to people, like let's say there's a business, and it's kind of the virtual equivalent of walking into this store, announcing your services and seeing if they want to hire you. And we call these cold emails. And I am going to talk about cold emails for a bit because you can't really talk about email money.

Thing without at least touching upon them. But most of this program is going to focus on, on on your email list on sending emails to people who have signed up and wants to receive them. We're going to talk more about that later. So no need to worry about that for the moment. Just so you know that email marketing is bigger than just sending off emails to people who haven't heard of you and hoping for the best. It can really be much much more than that.

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