Hi again. In this short lesson, I'm going to talk about embedding audio and video in your PowerPoint, including an audio or video clip in a presentation can be an interesting break for your audience and help retain their interest. Three rules to keep in mind. First of all, make sure that the clip is highly relevant to your topic. Secondly, ensure that you have a high quality audio and video file and sound system to present the clip during the presentation. And finally, keep it quick say two minutes or less.
Also, consider whether you have a strong internet connection or not, which determines whether you want to link to the video on the internet to view or listen to it or embed the media right into your PowerPoint presentation. Personally speaking, I prefer embedding media whenever I can. But once again, you've got to be careful with copyright and ensure that you're referencing the sources adequately, even if it's publicly available. The way I get around this is to make a copy of that The video clip and then I take a screenshot of where I got it from, whether it's on YouTube or any other website, I put the video on top of the screenshot so that to the audience, it looks like I'm viewing or listening to the video on the internet. Only I'm not, it's actually embedded right into my PowerPoint presentation. This alleviates the embarrassing possibility that the internet connection doesn't work or is slow.
However, if that sounds like too much work, PowerPoint allows you to embed direct links to videos on the internet. For audio clips, you have the option of recording your own audio. Anytime you're recording audio clips, ensure that you have an external microphone and that you're not using the microphone that is built into your laptop. Poor sound quality is another lesson I've learned over the years when it comes to making professional quality videos and presentations. I occasionally use the video and the audio feature so It's nice to know that they're there, but it's not something you want to do all the time. So let's cut our lesson off at that.