So welcome back as we're going to take you through what the seven ingredients for an extraordinary life, the different ingredients, play by play. And we're going to first start with the body. So when we speak about body we are we are referring to exercise into nutrition and to resting. So basically, the body is the most important thing that we have. If you don't have a healthy body, you can't function. If you don't sleep well.
If you don't eat well, you won't have enough energy to get anything else done. So that's the first step. If you go back to the basic human needs, you will find that like shelter, and nutrition like food is one of the basic needs. So you have to make sure that you are nurturing that. So things that you can do to apply minimalism into this ingredient is making sure that you are eating well. meal planning could be a nice tool if you're having challenges with that.
Meal planning can helps you save time and money and can help you eat better. I'm still making impulse purchases that we all make when we are hungry. And we don't have anything to eat. We always make bad decisions. So it's okay to make decisions sometimes that are not the best. But if you do that every single day, because you don't have time or because you don't have a system, I think you can benefit from trying to change that.
Find the exercise that you enjoy, don't go to what is prescribed to you really find the something that it gets your heart rate up, you enjoy doing it, it's not because you have to do it because the bottom line is, if you hate the gym, stop going to the gym, do something different, find a new activity, find something else that you know gets the same outcome, but that's pleasurable for you. And sometimes it's just adding a little bit of extra movement in during the day so you don't have to go to the gym if you make a conscious effort to walk around the block a few times and do a couple sets of stairs or things like that. Just those You are approaching an elevator, consider the stairs, that's your gym time, you don't always have to be doing it. You know the way some people prescribe it to be.
The next section is the mind. And again, we include into this area spirituality. And for some people, maybe religion and spirituality has its own kind of ingredient salt shaker that you want to have. But just know that we include this in the mind, we believe it's about self care, which is care for you provided by you. So it's not reliant on anybody else. It's completely up to you to look after yourself, your hobbies, your creativity, and your fun or recreation.
So basically, you know, for a lot of people, people don't associate those creative outlets like maybe you listen to music or you create music or you paint a picture. All of those kinds of things really help the mind the left and the right side of the brain. They all need to be exercised. So don't let anybody tell you that dueling a picture is any less important than studying a textbook. Now there needs to be a balance of some sort of two depending on what you're going for. But doing those kinds of things, really helps your mind find some peace really helps it let explore different areas of the brain and makes you feel well, yeah, the mental health piece.
It's trending. Now, a lot of people are talking about that. Because it is our reality. A lot of people are suffering with depression, with anxiety, with just not feeling well, mentally. And because you cannot see it, so many people don't take it seriously. And if you break your leg, they can see that the leg is not in its place, and then they will do something for you.
But if something is happening with your mind, and you're not feeling well, because it's very abstract, no one can really see it. It's very difficult to get help. But we are becoming more and more aware about these things. And your mind is really important. If you don't have IRA, the right mindset. You won't be able to do anything else.
Things won't get done because you won't be able to focus, you won't be motivated. And again, if body is no good, and the mind is no good, the rest is it doesn't matter yet, you have to take care of these basics first. So it all begins and ends in your mind what you give power to has power over you if you allow it. Family is the next section. You can just find family however you wish, it doesn't necessarily always mean that it's a blood relative. You can make that grouping however you feel but it is something that is very important.
It's where you come from. It's it's what gives you the support and and the foundation that you need to potentially push through hard times or fall back and take a little bit of support. And again, it doesn't necessarily have to mean that. You know, if you have a relationship or you know, parts of your family live in a different part of the world, we very much know what that's like. We met living in New Zealand a million miles away from our families for a few years. And it can make a very big impact on your ability to find connection and to have support.
Yeah, this is very important when I was traveling, I can tell you that some people were really missing the family time to the point that they were depressed, and they had to go back home after a few months of traveling, and some other people could go for years. So again, family time is different for everybody. And you need to understand how much time do you need to spend with family to feel well, and that's just your answer. You have to be honest with yourself, and try to nurture that if that's important for you. Sometimes family can be too much to take and a little bit too overbearing, and that's completely in your right to recognize if that is what you're feeling when you're with those with those family members. So again, it's all about finding what is it that you need are there relationships that you would like to heal are the relationships that you would like to invest more into Amelia and I enjoy trying to make it like a once a month thing.
We don't live around any of our family in our city. So we try to make a visit to one one person in our family member every month, just to be able to reach out, stay connected. And that's that's a really great recipe. And if people want to come and see us, that's even better. I also use Skype to speak with my family because they live in Barcelona, Spain, and we talk every single week, and we have a lease on the fridge have to make the intention. Okay, so the people I want to make the intention to go and see because if not, we forget again, life is busy.
And if you don't set the intention, things won't happen. So next on the list, we have social, social, super fun, and these are generally your peeps. These are your crowds. These are the people who help give you your sense of belonging. So Creating a healthy social environment that includes trust and compassion. Again, we had mentioned in earlier videos, if you find yourself being able to open up to someone, and they're not respectful or they're not, they don't have the ability to listen, most likely, that's not the right social outlet that you need.
Sometimes we keep a lot of people around us. And when you really go to look at those friendships and evaluate those relationships, you find that they did. They didn't mean as much as you thought that they meant. So it's really important to to look at the people around you and say, How do I feel when I'm with this person? How does this person make me feel when we're doing things together? And if the answers are positive, if you're feeling great, then they're a good person to be around because you want to be around the people who bring out the best in you.
Because when you're your best self, you're going to bring out the best in them. And then it's just this positive wave of you guys are doing good things, but if you're constantly in conflict with someone or hitting him Hitting heads, you know, potentially there's something that you're both not recognizing you might like each other. And that's great. But maybe there's too much time together or, you know, there's a disagreement on that, and it's not coming to light. So yeah, it would be a sign that that's some reflection is needed. And then you just take some time to reflect and then same point Can I try here, try something different, a different approach, see what happens.
And I just want to say that when you change when you make the effort to become a better self, and then you move forward in your life, sometimes some people, new people will come and play and some people will leave your life and you have to be okay with that. We please don't have expectations from anyone. You are doing your best you are having your life. Please don't expect anything from someone else. Because they also have their lives if they feel like it. They will give you time and energy, and if they don't do, there is always a reason why and don't take it personally.
Sometimes it has nothing to do with you and you You just have to keep moving forward. I can tell you when I came to Canada, I was here alone. I just had Samantha. But I was alone. So I had to find new friends and new things to do. And I was just finding groups to play squash with because I like it, new friends to do things that I like and sometimes meet event drive, like online places where you can connect with other people that like similar things to you.
It's a great way to like have a fresh start with new activities. And you can make really meaningful connections through that. That's an idea. The next section we'd like to talk about is work. Work tends to be especially in Western culture, something that occupies probably one third of your life. So it's really important that you love what you do, because you're going to spend one third of your time your time here.
It's everybody knows that it's not infinite, it is finite. So really love what you're doing and Simon Sinek if you've never heard of him, he is a great speaker and a really intelligent mind to listen to his ideas about what it is that you do for work and how you follow your passions and discovering what your why is. It's really good content. So he says working hard for something we don't care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion. And it's true.
When you're passionate about something you're willing to like roll up your sleeves and get that done and invest that time. But when you don't really love what you're doing, it generally makes you feel uptight, angry, irritable, and it really can wear you down over time. So another person that we are really passionate about that he inspires us a lot is Seth Godin. And he he defines he basically challenges you to produce your art. He defines work as art, and we just love that because we are all unique, everybody Your first has a uniqueness that we are the only ones who are able to do that. And if you can find that, that's your art, and whatever that is for you, if you can make that your work and your career, your life is going to be awesome.
Because you're going to be doing what you love. It doesn't matter how hard it is, you will do it anyways, if you were not getting paid for it. So when you can find a way to do that as a career and get paid for it, that your life will just be amazing. The next one is the one that kind of has brought us to this point in our lives and that is stuff and that I mean, you and I have always been you know, people who like to have things just so evaluating things, fixing things that aren't working and stuff is something that is so prevalent. We are living in a time of abundance, when literally anything that you might want or need. You could get access to if you wanted to.
So that leads to a lot of stuff piling up around us that you know, they say the average household in America holds more than 2 million items or 200,000 items. Sorry. But that's a lot of stuff. So the things that you have with you the money that you have your financial life, that's all included in this, this area, so stuff material items. And keep in mind, this is just one of seven. So if for you stuff and money is a driving force, are you neglecting any other areas of those ingredients?
I want you to really think and think deep down, you know, what pushes you what motivates you, it's okay if stuff in material is your motivation, but generally what is found when you achieve the material when you achieve the money, you're still wanting more? And that's because you're often neglecting other areas. Jim Carrey was one of the actors who, you know, take him for what he is now, but he said, I wish everybody could become a millionaire to realize that that's not the answer. So he had all the money and he said Still was was depressed he still suffered. And so sometimes, you know, look at your things and the things you keep around you and ask yourself, are these really the most important things to me? You have.
Tony Robbins is also a really good person to watch out. He has a lot of great videos on one of the things that he mentions is he works a lot of times with multimillionaires, very successful people, but they are not happy. They are not feeling they don't have meaning or they're just not feeling well. And from our eyes, they are so successful, right? But why aren't they feeling that way? Why are they depressed?
Why some people commit suicide? Why? Why all these things are happening when they have what they needed? Maybe because they didn't have what they needed. So this exercise helps you to find what is it that you need. And the last one, the ingredients that we think probably is the most rewarding ingredient at seasoning ingredient in the recipe, and that is giving back.
A lot of you already do this, it can sometimes be as small as you know, offering a smile to a stranger on the street to you know, volunteering at a big fundraiser or going in and helping out a food. Food Bank, excuse me, sorry, I have a total mental break. But giving back when you just give of yourself freely your time, the gratitude, the reward that you get by seeing that your actions are actually contributing to something bigger than yourself. It is really uplifting. It is really empowering. And it gives you so much positive energy.
Some of you might not even recognize that that's why you come home feeling great after you've been into those. Those volunteer positions, not on he's like we are all on a journey, the journey of life. Some people are ahead of you and some people are way behind you. So again, you can always get inspired by others that are ahead of you. And you really appreciate when they turn back and help you. And you can do the same for the people behind you.
So it doesn't matter what you do doesn't matter what you're passionate about, find what that is, and try to spend a little bit of time doing those things. And so as Samantha was saying, sometimes you don't have to get out of your way to do these things. Like I play squash, for example. And if I go to the court, and I see someone that is playing alone, trying really hard, and I see Wow, he has passion, he's really giving his best. I will jump into the court and spend 1015 minutes with him. And he will be like, wow, why did you do that?
Because when I got started five years ago, some people did that to me, and it was so wonderful, and it helped me a lot. So you can do this with anything in life. just smiling, just listening. Sometimes, just being present with someone is just enough you are giving back. And that's the most meaningful thing that you can do. So we've dived into the seven ingredients.
Trying to give you a little bit of a flavor of each one. Join us as we go through the next examples. So one thing that I want to say is that some people say well, but how can I find the time to like nurture all of these ingredients? Hi, what I need is less things to do, no more things to do. But by you being aware of these by you being aware of all the ingredients that you are supposed to do, I can show you an example. For example, sometimes I go to the gym, and if I just go to the gym, I'm nurturing my body.
I'm doing exercise, I'm playing squash, but sometimes I choose to walk there. So by working there, I listen to a podcast. So all the sudden, I'm a notary, my mind, I'm learning something new. Sometimes I invite a friend and then we just work together or we need that social time. And sometimes I will stop and visit a family member. So you can include a lot of the ingredients when you're doing things on your day to day.
Sometimes when I do laundry, I listen to a podcast and I'm doing Two things at once. So try to be creative. Try to think, how can you nurture my ingredients, doing what I'm already doing? How can I make it more fun and more meaningful for me and you will have ideas confident