When the stroke turns into geometrical pattern, the portrait will look like this. Let me show you how to build the portrait using the spiral. I have already shown you the method of transferring using transparent paper. Now, I have printed onto the face, how to apply the principle of light on it now, no problem. This principle will be translated in the thickness of the outline. Since there is only one value of the grayscale, that means only one tone of darkness will be used for the whole face.
The grading in the tones will be built by the thickness of the outline. The thicker the outline, the darker the value, the thinner the line, the lighter the value the Second very important thing to replace the small gaps between the parts in the single elements you see in the eye zone, I lead the small gap between the eye and the eye lead. This is favorable to better describe the forum. I'm doing this because my reference photo is not good for this example. The one with very sharp light is the best. I'm working on the table using to be pencil and to be technical pencil.
Since one tone is needed, each pen will work great for this I let one false line in the face. Can you see it? If you can, you have understood this methods You see, nothing can stand on your way anymore. Even the geometrical pattern turned into a face