Day 19 - The ultimate solution to text neck

From Unfit and Unmotivated to Unstoppable From Unfit and Unmotivated to Unstoppable
15 minutes
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Here's a good one for your upper body, in the sense that it's going to open your shoulders and work the top of your back and help you with your forward head position. Okay, so, standing as usual, feet hip width apart and parallel, get better breathe and prepare as you breathe out, chin to chest row down, stretch and grow up. No bouncing here, just because it's the start. So sometimes it can be this 123 But today, it's just the start. Okay, take it nice and easy. kind to yourself.

We didn't do too well. Stretch. Last one. Good, reach. Nice. Okay, then onto all fours.

You're going to put your hand underneath your knees and your knees and your hips, and you're going to pull up into the cat. So have a look at your belly button. And then round down, pull your belly back into the floor, drop your shoulders and conceiving, okay, that's the cap up into the cat. And down into the cow. Good. into the cat.

And, cow. Good. Unless one. And, great. Okay. Then from that, stay away, draw, keep your back nice and long in parallel with the flow, extend opposite hand, opposite leg, we're going to float in between so I'm not touching the map.

I'm going to do five steps to I'm really looking for legs. So I want to pull the heel away from the wrist. Okay, that's four. This is five Lovely. Now switch sides. Also think of stabilizing your shoulder girdle and stabilizing your hips.

Okay? So don't rock and roll through your body, your nice, stable IKEA table, and you're just adding on extensions. If you've got gifts for dinner, okay? Then I think that might be five but I'll do one more just to be sure. Okay, good. Now stay where you are.

Open your hands about mark with the part. So a little bit wider than your shoulders. Keep your positioning exactly the same as it's been until now. Knees and the hips, hands slightly wider than the shoulders back of the neck towards the ceiling. You're going to breathe out and you're going to bring your face beyond your index finger and your elbows back towards us. Okay.

And up and face beyond the indexing there. I'm not rolling my way forwards. I'm just isolating myself. Okay, we're gonna do two more of those. Two. Good, then you're going to stay where you are, you're gonna bring your hand back underneath your shoulders.

This time, you're going to extend the opposite hand, opposite leg and you're gonna pull out to the side side and reach forwards. Keep the weight through your belly button. Don't be tempted to rock back into your hips. Okay, again, you're looking for the lens, reach the hand far, reach the foot far, very, very, very far. Don't rock back at your hips. Bring your abdominals online as well and get them to participate.

Okay, now, as a side, breach, pulled hand portfolio, pull the leg. Good. Pull the arm pull, like reach. Pull the arm, pull the leg, reach. down, pull the leg reach, we'll do one more cool young blue like rich good. Okay, now you're gonna put your bum in the air.

Drop your heels whilst you walk your hands back towards your feet, grab behind your knees and pull your face between them. Okay? And then walk back through into a plank. Okay, and then go past the plank and into a bit of a down, stretch. Okay, then BAM in the air. Drop your heels, walk your hands backwards, grab behind your knees, pull your face in between, very nice.

Walk forwards, forwards, forwards. And then down into down stretch. Okay? pull yourself back. It's called the elephant. Grab the high knees, pull the face between the knees.

Lovely. And walk forwards, forwards, forwards, forwards, down and reach. Very nice. Okay, from that, you're going to go onto your tummy, and you're going to swim without the water. Okay? So hands in front legs behind, you're going to breathe out and make everything float just above the floor.

And then swim, keeping the breathing nice and steady. Okay, think of going about 500 meters and back. So that's pretty well. Could be to the end of the garden. Could be to close the shop. Could be cheap versus post office and back, keep the lens arms nice and far away.

Head looking as top of the head out in front of you making yourself aerodynamic. Okay and legs, stretching out behind and working, working, working working. Okay, good. Pull yourself back into relaxation position. Open the nice pool the button back, relax down into the mat. Give yourself three to five breaths here.

Remember that if it's a slow day or you're feeling tired, you can give yourself longer in this position, you pause me, when you're ready, you press play and off we go again. No worries. Okay? on that happy note, we're going to do the wall rest roll, the most glamorous movement known to man again. Okay, sir. You breathe in.

As you breathe out, roll over, and get back over, and over and over and through. Good. Oh. And over. Again, over and back round. Remember, you're keeping your hands and your feet on the floor.

Use the ways to do the movement. Don't cheat by pushing your knees, pushing with your knees, pushing with your feet, or lifting your hands in your head. Good you and then when you're talking again, which is exactly where you should be because Now, you're gonna put your hands out in front, stretch your feet out, and you're going to breathe and prepare a degree that you're going to stretch hands and feet away, they'll pick up and let the rest of the body pick up as well. So you'd like Superman flying through space, breathe and find them out again. Breathe out, stretch feet and hands away from each other, and they will pick up a little bit, and then good. And again, stretch.

It's all about stretch. It's never about lift, the lift happens when the stretch is at its greatest. Okay? So be great. Be great and stretch your body on your shoulders staying down. By the way, don't roll your shoulders, it's area.

So when I say stretch, I mean move your hands away, but pull your shoulders back gives you kind of tension to the bone. It's lovely. What do you want last one. If this hurt your back, you're going to do just the top by way leaving the feet on the mat. But if you're okay, you're going to do both at once. Okay.

From that back into the relaxation position, again, it's important to keep giving your back a bit of a break and putting it into a less leveraged position. Okay? So if you wonder why I'm so adamant about it, it's not to give you a break is to protect your back. Okay, then you're gonna sit in an L. Okay, so you've got a right angle from there to there. Your hands out in front. If this pulls too much behind your legs, bend your knees.

Okay, stretch yourself out there if you can. And as you breathe out, bring your hands up overhead, reach from the ceiling, down and forwards. Okay, so I'll give you the back view. Maybe here. I'm putting my hands up. Then I'm lifting my bra strap, putting my bra strap down, stretching the arms in front, arms overhead, lift the bra strap, put the bra strap down, reach the hands in front.

Okay, so Lift, reach, down, stretch, lift, reach, down, stretch, lift, reach, down, stretch. Good. Stay in this lovely, lovely outfit. Keep, you're not going to put your elbows behind your head, okay, and you're going to bring your elbows closed and open, closed and open, closed and open, closed and open. You're going to keep your shoulders down, by the way, yeah, keep your ribs down as well. head is long.

So think of the stretch. You're just working the protractors and retractors of the shoulder, which sits in the middle of the back. Mm hmm. They also have an incidence on your head position. So make sure you're pushing into your head as much as you're pushing into your hands so your hands are pushing into your head and your head is pushing into your hands so your neck is nice and stable. You should feel This big line muscle grow nice and tight.

Okay. Then you stay where you are so your legs are still out. Okay. You can have your hands out in front of you. Again, hip height palms are looking at each other. Breathe out world back down and reach for the ceiling.

Let your aim your kidneys for the max or tuck your bum under, tuck your belly back towards you and let your lower back, soften and roll. Okay, good. Now for the next three. You're going to turn your pumps and seating and you're going to roll keeping your elbows nice and high, high elbows in along with the shoulders, row. Good. And forwards and row and forwards and row.

Good. Now you're going to stay there and you're going to reach your hands forwards and you're gonna do pumps and ceiling, pounds to the floor. Well pounds, the ceiling Han Solo can get even more rotation, palms back of the hands together, back in the hands together, back in the hands together, back at the house together. If you're thinking about Joe's, it's killing me and sit and do the move. Okay, if you want a little bit more, perhaps just rock back, hold that half roll up position, and you'll feel your abdominals come on to learn as well, but not at the expense of your own back. Remember, lower back is your friend the wind.

Good, okay, and up. And then you're gonna open your legs a little bit wider than that with the part. Sorry, a little bit wider than hip width apart, which makes you a little bit what makes me in my with my mat. sitting nice and straight. I've got my arms and my palms towards the floor, sitting reaching the spine. Okay, can I breathe in as agree that I'm going to go forwards and keep my hands high and above my toes.

123 And up, keep the palm Keep them on time. So arms come about the ears 123 as the body drops, try not to let the head high, the head person towards aerodynamic mode. So top of the head is for me reaching out my window. Instead I'm going to fly into my garden 123 keep your legs long. Oh, remember, you could always bend your knees. If this hurts behind your legs too much.

Bend the knees. Okay, it's the upper body that we're concentrating on with this one. So give yourself a break with the rest. 123. Good. Okay, then you're gonna lie on your back.

Okay, arms out to the side legs in front, you're going to stack one toe on top of the other, keeping your pounds and ceiling and your shoulders down. You're going to breathe out and you're going to push your body over. So you're gonna roll the weight of the top foot, trying to keep your shoulders on the mountain look the opposite way with your head. It's a corporate animal, and then back and then over to the side. Look the opposite way with your head. Okay?

Ah, look. Look. Good. Okay, one last one. One more steps on your side. So, over to the other side of the wall and back.

Good. Let your foot come over and look at the wall, back. Let your foot come over, look at the wall, back and let your foot come over and look at the wall. Good. Okay, grab your knees, give them a little roll around. Okay, then pull yourself back up to seated.

Legs is still out in front, you go back to your exit. Okay. You're gonna put your hands in front. Then you're going to bend your elbows as if you're in a, you know, hold up, open your elbows out to the side. Okay, so I look like a robot. I'm keeping my elbows on the same line this way.

My shoulders and I'm going to reach up to the ceiling, out to the sides up to the ceiling down, keeping the head in alignment with the chest in alignment with the pelvis. Okay, so you're sitting nice and tall, and you're just working your arms. Drop your elbows, whether your shoulders, okay, nice and tall. down, and up. Open, up, down, up, open, up, down. Good.

Open, up, down. One more. Up. Open, up, down. Good. From there.

Come on to all fours. Okay, cool. You're loving the air. Drop your heels, roll yourself up to standing, standing, standing, standing standing. Okay, you know, open your arms outside and you're gonna give yourself little circles. I'm going backwards to start.

You're going to make the circles bigger and bigger and bigger until the You're just doing normal on our circles, then you're gonna change directions big, big, big, smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, really small and tiny to stop. Okay? And you're good

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