Hello everyone, welcome to our video on Bitcoin full node. In this video we are going to talk about what this product is the Bitcoin full node, why you should have it and how to use this Bitcoin full node. So basically like any other of our products this Bitcoin full node is a virtual machine offering. We have it on a zoo, Google Cloud and AWS marketplace. So using these marketplaces, you can provision Bitcoin full node as a virtual machine. Now what and why do you need a Bitcoin full node?
So as you might be knowing Bitcoin is the very first blockchain based cryptocurrency and it is really popular. There are a lot of you can say exchanges. Service Provider through which you can buy your Bitcoin and have them in a valid, but you know, it comes with it, its own risks if you are having your valid on service provider. Now, you know, security is one concern over there, you know, you hear a lot of exchanges or the service partners getting hacked and that can have severe consequences if your wallet or your secret keys are compromised. So to answer all those concerns, you can have your own Bitcoin node. And this Bitcoin node can be fully synced with the ledger, the Bitcoin ledger, and you can have your own violate on this Bitcoin full node.
So that's the purpose of providing this virtual machine on these cloud marketplaces okay. So, these are the benefits listed some of the benefits first is it gives you a higher degree of privacy and keeps you safe because here you are running you are in full control of your private keys. The other one is it gives you full control in the possible event that you know there is a hard fork which happens which happened more than once, previously for Bitcoin then you know you can choose which Bitcoin fork you want to be part of. Along with that it comes with a Bitcoin D, which is the Bitcoin daemon which will be used to sync your node with the ledger and also graphical user interface. We will go through all these All these two options in the video later. The other thing is it comes with a precinct ledger.
And you know, the ledger is synced till the VM publishing, we make sure that we update this VM listed on the marketplaces in a zoo GCP and AWS on a regular basis, so that the ledger is up to date. Now, the advantage of having a precinct ledger is if you want to have a full load, you need to sync that node with the Bitcoin ledger. At the time of recording this video, the Bitcoin ledger is around 250 gb. So if you're starting from scratch, it will take you a lot of time to sync your node to the ledger, okay, and it depends on your bandwidth and a lot of other factors. But if you're using Bitcoin full node virtual machine from the marketplace, the ledger will be saved. And you know, you just need to see the remaining ledger.
So for example, at this time, the Bitcoin ledger is synced till sixth of August, and today is 26th of August. So if you provision this machine washing machine from marketplace, you just need to sync for the last 20 days and not for the last 10 years. So that's the main advantage, you will get your Bitcoin node up and running in minutes and it won't take much for you to sync it. Along with that it comes with a remote desktop so you can log into the virtual machine and then use the Bitcoin GUI via the remote desktop. And then there is this fish shell which is called friendly and interactive shell which gets You command auto completion and auto suggestions, it has a lot of other features. It also has Visual Studio code in case you know, you want to do some development on Bitcoin.
So these are some of the features of the Bitcoin full node. Now we have other videos which walks you through how to provision the Bitcoin full node on a zoo, Google Cloud and AWS. So at this point, I am not going to walk you through how to do the provisioning, you can refer to those videos and understand how to provision the Bitcoin full node in any of this environment. Okay. So as I mentioned, you know, our Bitcoin full node is available of azu Google Cloud as well as AWS, you can go to the respective marketplace and here you can see the details about the offer. Okay, so now Let's dive into the virtual machine, what it provides and how you can use the virtual machine.
So I'm assuming that you will follow our other videos to provision your virtual machine on any of these cloud providers from our marketplace. So in my case, I already have the virtual machine up and running. There are two ways you can connect to the virtual machine. One is through putty. The other one is through Remote Desktop. By putty I've been the SSH shell.
Okay, so I will walk you through the shell first. So my virtual machine is running and I have the public IP address. And using that I am already connected to the virtual machine over here. You need to make sure that you connect using the user ID open. So, I am already connected. So let me give you the overview of the Washing Machine first of all the virtual machine comes with a large hard disk because the Bitcoin ledger is quite big, okay.
So if if I do this command Vf minus edge, so here you can see I have one partition, which is around you can see this work right. So this is 330 gb partitioned out of which 250 died almost 260 gb is used, and most of that is consumed by the bit hyper ledger and 130 gb is free. Well guess what, you still got to have some space over there to sync your ledger. So, this is one thing. The second thing is the Bitcoin will be configured or Your home directory. So, currently, I am in the home of Butoh.
So, over here, if I do LS minus lt a, you will see all these hidden directories and one of those directories if I scroll it up, you will have for Bitcoin. Let me see here you see this directly. So, this is your directory where Bitcoin is configured. So, if I go to this directory I can see CD Bitcoin and if I do LS here you will see the wallet and everything is over here so, you can configure your valid and that valid will get configured over here. The other thing is you also have this debug dot log. This will have details about what was the last time sync date for the ledger okay.
So if I do this we can see that this one is last updated on 31st July This is around 21 Mb and if I just say tail develop it will show me some of the last name and sip tail last hundred lines here you will see that my ledger is saved till this date. Okay, so if you want to sync it then the key will start after this this date so 34 July was the last sync date for this one. And when you do the Set Key if you want to get this node up to date with The ledger you can sync it sinking will start from this date onwards. So, this is the directory for your Bitcoin slash home slash forward slash Bitcoin All right. Let me just minimize this. Yeah.
The next thing is the setup. So the setup is if I go back to the home if you go to dekstop you go to the setups Bitcoin folder. Here you have all the setup for the Bitcoin. So Bitcoin is installed over here. Again, we get more details about it in our remote desktop so I think that will be easier to visualize rather than having it on the command prompt. Okay, so we have seen the disk space we have seen the Bitcoin directory home lyrically, the setup file.
The next thing is how you can sync the latest. So for that there are two mechanism One is through the command prompt. Another one is through the remote desktop. So we will walk you through the command prompt option. So there is this command called Bitcoin D. So this is the daemon for Bitcoin and if you just run this debug by default it will start sinking your ledger from your last seat forward which in our case was 31st of July. If you want to see more about this you can say by this edge and it will display the help for the Bitcoin debit, okay.
You can go through this hell meadow and understand what it does But as a beginner you can just use Bitcoin D this cover Okay, I will run it in background so I'll use this episode site and if I if I hit Enter you know it will start the Bitcoin endeavor dead it will connect to the Bitcoin network at start seeking that later what I'll do is simultaneously I will open another session we are going to tell the log so here is the other session I will log in using open toe and all this output you see over here it is also getting logged into our debug log. Okay. So here if I go to dot bit fight folder if I take Instead of hundred I'll say virus f debug dot log. So here you will see the updates which are happening to the local Bitcoin ledger, it is trying to connect to the Bitcoin node of the network add it will start sinking our ledger from 31st July onwards, which was the last date for the ledger to be synced.
Okay. Now Additionally it takes some time to start the sinking process so you need to just wait for it to progress at that you will see some log logging happening in our Bitcoin debug dot log. And from that you can figure it out how it is seeking and to what date it has synced. The ledger So, now you can see my log has progressed from zero percent to 16 to 33 so on so hundred percent so it got connected to other modes and then it It started sinking Okay. Now here ever takes some time to start the sifting process so you need to have keep some patience and now you can see work so disconnected other verification is done, it has started so, from 31st of July, okay. So if you're logged, you will start receiving messages for the kick off your ledger.
All right, so this is how You are going to save the ledger using the command prompt Okay, I will get out of this log. And one other thing you need to remember that your debug dot log you will keep on growing when you start sinking, okay? And it is going to consume space. So what you need to do is you need to make sure you purge this law on a regular basis. Okay, simplest ways you can just say equal empty slates and like it to your debug dot log. Okay, if you want to keep a copy of your debug dot log and you're not very concerned about the space, that's fine.
Otherwise you can just override it as British lies to free up the space okay. The vagator you can see it is try to connect and see the ledger. So this is the Bitcoin D through which you can see the ledger. The other option is you can connect through the remote desktop. Okay? How to connect is covered in our other videos.
So in my case I'm already connected to the remote desktop over here. So this is our remote desktop. And let me take some moment to explain you how that desktop environment looks like. When you correct use a robot to use our unit to correct us if we would do that only you will see this tech stop. So here you have the browser the Visual Studio code, the source code for Bitcoin Core and the setups setups are installed over here. So if your setups you will see the same thing I've tried to show you before So bitcoins set up is over here.
So, this is the Bitcoin Core source code or the setup and then the other important thing is you will have the Bitcoin graphical user interface okay. So that bid card graphical user interface you can open up and launch the Bitcoin Qt Qt. So this is the Bitcoin Bitcoin D just bit quite half a cutie. So this will open the graphical user interface. Now this graphical user interface is saved as that off. I mean it does the same thing of silky your ledger The Bitcoin network just like we have seen in the Bitcoin deca mark, but the very important thing is you can't run both of them simultaneously.
Either you run the Bitcoin D the table for sale kick or you use Bitcoin Qt for sale keep the benefit with Qt Bitcoin Qt is it comes with a graphical user interface, okay, but you can't run them simultaneously. So for that what we'll do is I already have a Bitcoin the rally, so I decided to stop it. So for that you have this bit quiet CLA. So this is the command line interface for Bitcoin. And if you want to see the hell, you can just type matters man has helped and it will show you all the hell. At this point, we just want to stop the demo so far that I will use Bitcoin CLA stop covered as soon as I wrap this covered, you will see that this divert which is sinking the ledger and here you can see it it's to this part right it will stop so we just hit stop it says bitcoins topic and now if I go back here you will see that the devil has hit OK.
So this is important if you want to run the Bitcoin CLR sorry Bitcoin Qt unit to make sure that it's a public. So here, I will open the Bitcoin graphical user interface, you can read this cover and it will open up the Bitcoin Core graphics user interface and here also it does the same thing, it will look into the ledger, it will see how far the ledger is synced. And before we were looking into the log, the debug log, but here it will show you the same thing in a graphical interface. So, here it is showing 98.19% it is already seen progress per hour will be this fetch percent and EDA estimated time is 29 minutes it heavily depends on the bandwidth of your network. Okay, you can click on hide. Here it is also showing three weeks behind okay.
So this is the graphical user interface which you can use to configure your valid. So instead of having your valid on some third party service provider, which can get hacked or they also save some of your private information, if wrote what to have all that you can use this bit code full load add keep your old dot add your old valid add here that you know currently it's showing me zero bit BTC that you can go and go to the setting you can either create your own valid, okay import the valid you can look into the Bitcoin create Qt documentation to get you started with how you can configure your own Bitcoin valid and then use it for sending or receiving public other transactions. All right. So this was the overview of the Bitcoin full node just to summarize or revise. We have this Bitcoin full node product available on these three market places.
You can refer to or videos or for visitor Utah or Google Cloud or AWS? Then I showed you how you get connected through the command prompt. What are the different setups file, the log file the hook directly, how much of the ledger is synced, all those things we covered that we also covered the graphical user interface by connecting through the report textile. So this is an overview of the Bitcoin, full node, and how you get make use of it to configure your own valid and get a full cut. So thanks a lot for your time and for watching the video. Hope you liked it.