Why you need Bitcoin Fullnode

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Hello everyone, welcome to our video on Bitcoin full node. In this video we are going to talk about what this product is the Bitcoin full node, why you should have it and how to use this Bitcoin full node. So basically like any other of our products this Bitcoin full node is a virtual machine offering. We have it on a zoo, Google Cloud and AWS marketplace. So using these marketplaces, you can provision Bitcoin full node as a virtual machine. Now what and why do you need a Bitcoin full node?

So as you might be knowing Bitcoin is the very first blockchain based cryptocurrency and it is really popular. There are a lot of you can say exchanges. Service Provider through which you can buy your Bitcoin and have them in a valid, but you know, it comes with it. Its own risks if you are having your valid on service provider. Now, you know, security is one concern over there, you know, you hear a lot of exchanges or the service portals getting hacked and that can have severe consequences if you're violate or your secret keys compromised. So to answer all those concerns, you can have your own Bitcoin node.

And this Bitcoin node can be fully synced with the ledger, the Bitcoin ledger, and you can have your own wallet on this Bitcoin full node. So that's the purpose of providing this virtual machine on these cloud marketplaces okay. So, these are the benefits listed some of the benefits first is it gives you a higher degree of privacy and keeps you safe because here you are running you are in full control of your private keys. The other one is it gives you full control in the possible event that you know there is a hard fork which happens which happen more than once, previously for Bitcoin then you know you can choose which Bitcoin fork you want to be part of

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