Okay, we have done a few machine learning algorithms and some of the statistical and in regressions algorithms, we have have also learned clustering algorithms. So you may ask, so, which algorithms do we use or should we choose in our data mining projects. So, these are psyche learn, which is very famous from this Python machine learning libraries. So they actually come up with this cheat sheet to actually help us to select which algorithm to use. So from the start, let's say our data have more than PTs and purse, the LSA we have category and then e, we label the data. Then we'll go into classification is Do not have any labor data we are going to clustering.
If there is a degree then our variable to predict is actually our quantity on America. Then we are going to regressions, ignore that we will go into this dimensionality reduction here. So this is how we chose our algorithm. How we chose our machine learning and statistical learning algorithm for our data mining data science project.