Okay as I previously mentioned, we can also offer some of the more advanced charting and data visualization. So, we can create on this visualize tab here. So, we have these are what we call the scatter plot matrix or the correlation matrix. So, we can select a plus size, and we can select a point size and we can click on update, then we have these scatter parameters here. So, all these variables are these sepal length learn in this class variable. So this class variable is a categorical variables sepal length is a numeric variables.
So the scatter plot is something like this, which is not very important or useful. Then sepal length against cross is also the same patter Lana against a cross. It's also to say Better wave against a cross it's also the same 10 cross again cross it something like this. Then we have SEPA land against our pathway. So we can see this some linear regression here. Say ah, as a pet owner we've increased as the pet better, we've increased SEPA we've settled and also increases.
So we have a relationship of something that this year then for SEPA we've and better way we do not have any relationship. For petal length and petal we also have a linear regression here. So let's say our petal we've increased our petal length also increase tempo petal weave against better we will have a relationship of something like this Then fall patter wave against our class we have something also useful here. So we have petal length against sepal length, some regression or relationship here. petal v petal and again SEPA with no match and Pet Land against better land is something that is better land against better we have some relationship here and against our class we don't have any useful scatterplot here. There is Appleby again sepal length we don't have any relationship SEPA wave against that, but we have this same variable relationship SEPA wave against petrol and much separately against tobiko Sonoma and against crossville.
So no useful SEPA land against SEPA wave nama SEPA land against petal and so now mathematicians have Berliner gaze, better land, better behaved, and I saw some relationship here against class variable numbers useful Yeah. So this is a scatter plot matrix in this regard.