Why Should you Study?

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Unless you are in college or school, you might be thinking, why do I need to take a class about studying? Why do I really need to study efficiently? If I'm not in college, I probably don't need this. If you work for someone else, you're probably thinking, I don't have nothing to study. But think about this. If you usually deliver presentations in a weekly meeting, you can always improve the craft of presentation in public speaking.

So watch an excellent presentation and take notes on it. Is the speaker moving how what is he doing with his hands? How is he talking? What is he saying and see how you can actually improve those aspects by yourself. So create a new presentation to deliver in that meeting, using the same principles that caught your attention in the presentation you watched. As you can see, you can study presentations, relationships, Every business finance, the education system, the production of cars, anything it doesn't matter in which field you're currently working on, you can always study more and learn more to improve the way you work the way you perform in actually improve your life for better.

As you can see, studying is not merely for college students who have to go through their next exam. studying and learning is a skill that we all use throughout life. Learning more about the things that you are currently working on will also give you a great advantage over most people the opportunities that will emerge from you taking the time to study are kind of uncertain, they are surely great knowledge is power, and it is a requirement for all top performers to learn more about their the fields they are currently working on, and also about other things. You can also go back to the fundamentals. You can grab old textbooks and review the things that you study. Long time ago, and I'm sure you will find a lot of things that you forgot.

And that that might be very useful for you at the moment. So Brendon Burchard, has been reading a book a week for the past 15 years. He does this to update himself about the field He currently works on. So if you want to become an expert and master your own field of interest, you have to constantly keep updating and keep learning about it. Tony Robbins also explains much of his success to all the things that he learned, he studied, you read, he listened to for him. It's very simple.

If you want to better relationships, studying relationships, find someone who is in a great relationship and study what they are doing to make it so great if you want to be happy, study happiness. If you want to have a better business, study business study management in finance, and leadership, find books, articles, or videos, presentations in the field that you want to learn about. If you want To increase your sales, learn what the best companies are doing to do that, so stop hoping for things to get better at them. As Jim Rohn said, things get better when you get better. So you can study Steve Jobs and see how you can implement innovation in your own organization. You can study Zappos to see how you can improve your own customer service.

Then take all of your ideas of the things you want to study and start learning them start studying them. The possibilities are limitless. If you want to really master the craft of studying, you should continue to watch this class. Unfortunately, school doesn't teach us how we should study effectively. That's why I felt the need to learn more about it. I wanted to learn how I could learn new subjects in a much shorter period of time without sacrificing the quality of the knowledge.

I've always been a good student, which for me meant having good grades while actually enjoying school, but only in my last few years. years of high school that I decided that I really wanted to learn how to learn properly. So I've been experimenting with a lot of things that made me reduce the amount of time I had to study. While actually increasing my results. Some tips that I learned were kinda dump in useless. So in this class, I'm only covering strategies that really work.

It's sad because we go through 15 years of school and learning in public education, without really understanding in being taught how to properly learn and master anything. When I started looking for answers, I discovered that there were people that were really trying to master the craft of learning, and I learned so many incredible things with them. So I found it was possible to learn faster and better in a much shorter period of time. After learning and putting all of those things into practice. I suddenly had much more time left to do other things that I really enjoyed. So I created my blog, I started reading even more.

I started exercise meditating in time for other things. It was a profound experience for me to understand that I could learn anything much faster than I ever did before. And so I'm very passionate about this topic of learning how to learn and trying to improve the way we learn things, because I think that it should be something that we are teaching in our schools. So I can definitely guarantee you that learning how to learn can dramatically change an impact to your life doesn't matter if you're in high school, college, working for yourself or someone else. Learning how to learn is one of the skills that we really need the most. When you learn faster, you can master any skill faster, which can bring you results that you weren't even thinking about.

There are a lot of people who hate their jobs, but because the dedicated time to study in learn things on the side that they enjoyed the most. They were able in the long term to switch careers and do what they really enjoyed doing. You might be working on a bank and you never really enjoy that job. You have always loved science, but unfortunately you didn't follow your guts. Well, you can study science right now start by reading a few articles, books, presentations, or even going to seminars, and later you might consider taking a degree instantly you find yourself working in the area that you've always enjoyed science or biology, or any other thing if you think studying has to be something boring and time consuming and useless. You aren't rock I have the same opinion for years but learning how to learn really taught me that learning new things is just one of the best things that I could ever ever do with my time.

Think of studying like a strategy game. How can I learn this in the shortest amount of time, while also enjoying the process. So I want to challenge your thoughts and opinions about studying. Do you think it takes countless hours to learn anything? Do you think that learning only consists on reading the same thing over and over again? Do you find yourself forgetting what you read all the time, the process of studying should be divided into different phases because that's how we can make it more efficient because if you turn the studying process into only one messy step, it will be much time consuming in boring for you.

So in this class, I divided as studying process into different phases. The first one is to pick the great sources that you're going to study from. The second one is skimming and selecting the most important things to read. So notice that I didn't say that you're going to read everything in the sources that you picked. The third one means reading the really important information that you selected previously. The fourth is taking notes, while reading the things that are very important, the fifth About summarizing the contents, the stakes, organizing the material.

And finally memorizing and reviewing the things that you just learned, it might seem very overwhelming to go through all of these steps. But in fact, when you use the proper framework, you can reduce the amount of time to study anything, when you don't separate the phases and you don't go through them in the proper order, you end up in a terrible loop of reading your sources over and over again, trying to memorize and recall the information. So I'm very excited to teach you and help you out in this. Anything you need. Please use the discussion of the class to ask me any questions. So pick something that you are really excited to learn now and use this framework that I'll be teaching in this class to study that properly.

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