Another very useful method to memorize and remember the content is to create Tory's. Some subjects and content are easy to memorize by using flashcards, but certain facts and lists don't go very well with quizzes. Most people use rote repetition as a mean, but it's just not the most effective way to memorize those. For that reason, I always try to create a story with the words that I must remember creating a visual story with the words that I must remember helps me to remember those words for a long, long time, while making the process fun and enjoyable. So I had to remember the principles of taylorism. And they were planning, preparation, control, separation, and simplification to remember these words for a long time I create a story with those words.
The more fun and weird distortion is The better for you to memorize it for the first word I had to memorize planning. I imagined the manager of IKEA writing on a whiteboard, the materials needed to start building a new store. He is planning and I associate the board to plan new things. The second word is preparation. The manager talks with his employees and they start packing the materials to build the new store. They are preparing everything to start building.
The third word is control. a different team comes to see if all the necessary materials are currently packed and labeled. They inspect and analyze everything to make sure the process runs smoothly. The fourth word is separation. Now the employees are separating the different materials into different trucks and the fifth word is simplification as the trucks arrive to the building and new men Drew looks into the trucks and see how everything is well organized. He screams, you guys are good on simplifying things.
If you paid attention to the story, you probably memorize the five words without having to repeat them 10 times. And because you're writing love stories and visual images, you might be able to remember this story and this principles for a long time. I wish I knew this method since I was younger, because it would help me out with a lot of things. Imagine if teachers started helping kids to memorize things while using this type of methods. After a few days, kids would be able to create by themselves, their own stories with the things that they just learned. And they wouldn't think that school was so boring after all.
The more you apply and use this technique, the better you will become on creating stories and these stories will be very useful for you to memorize new information, especially lists and different types of words. So Write by yourself to memorize things that you always wanted to