Hi guys, in this lesson we will create Eureka client for user service. Eureka is a naming server in simple input with using Eureka micro services can communicate with each other by using the application names to enable Eureka client First of all, we should create a configuration. First of all we will describe your local zone. Later we will describe your local instance features. euro instance is a single instance often micro serves every instance He needs to renew its lease to euro server with frickin MC. We can also customize expired time off instance also supports Okay, that's all about configuration.
Now we can enable Eureka client from our main class about that enable client annotation. It tested flowing to the framework Hi there supplant. I am an instance of micro service users. So please register to me to the Eureka server. And I also want to discover other services. So create the necessary discovery client been for me.
Okay, we added enable discovery client annotation to our main class. That's all about your hook lines. Thank you.