Hi guys. In this lesson we will talk about how spring security works and how we will implement it. We will use spring security for secure login and authentication REST API paths login view implemented with spring security like these steps. First of all, from client side, we will send username and password. But we will notice something here. Normally we can send username and password as pet variable.
For example, if we have a VC username and 12345 password, we can send it to server side like API user login, username equals 123 and password 12345 But this is not a secure way. Everybody can see this credentials easily. So we will send it with secure way like with authentication encrypted header. Later, we will receive it from server side. In that point, we will start to use spring security. Spring security will receive this login request and will decrypt this authentication header automatically.
Later spring security will serve this credentials to us with user details service. So our first mission will be implementing user details service. In this class, we will check user according to username Okay, the basic security will be provided like that. The other thing about secure logon, sibling security will provide us a password encryption algorithm. This algorithm will provide unique passwords for different times and for different values. For example, if we have a password like 12345 separate security password algorithm will produce different values at moment a and moments be.
Okay, that's all about secure logging. The other thing about spring security, we can define authorized pates and unauthorized pates in spring security. For example, we can say that login page can be reachable Everybody, but homepage can be reachable by just authorized users. The other thing we can describe login or logout pad with spring security. Okay, that's all about securing security for beginning. Next lessons, we will implement these things with court.
Thank you.