Many nonfiction books contain sections with questions that the reader should answer in order to get more clarity over the topic. answering those questions is a great way to maximize the retention of the principles of a book as well as to apply that information in your life. Some books incentivize you to try to apply what you just read in your own life, which is basically what you did in the previous step. And this will motivate you even more to make your life better by using that book to your own benefits. A great example is the book high performance habits where Brendan gives you a bunch of questions in the end of each chapter, that when you answer you get more clarity and motivation to implement new habits in your life. And when I really take the time to answer the questions that the author suggests.
I really learned more, I retain more, I apply more and I become Much more aware of those principles in my own life. When I really take the time to answer a books questions, I learned a lot more, I also apply more. And I have more motivation to really change my life by applying the principles of that book. Because when you take the time to answer a book questions, you're making the content your own, because you're adding to the book your previous knowledge, experiences and ideas, and there's no better way to learn something new than disconnecting it with other things that you previous learnt. I don't answer every books questions, but I can reassure you that when I really take the time to answer to those, I apply much more of what I read, and I make the content of the book much more present in my mind.