Working with Operators

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9 minutes
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Operators allow you to manipulate values. We've already used a few operators. However, there are over 30 operators in the JavaScript language. We're going to take a look at a few more operators in this movie. First, let's review. First, let's review the operators we have already been introduced to.

So the assignment operator is the equal sign. It puts a value into a variable. That's how we've used the assignment operator up up to this point. Also the addition or concatenation operator, that's the plus symbol adding numbers or concatenating, strings sub subtraction operator, the division operator and the multiplication operator. Those are the operators we've looked at thus far. Let's add a few new operators.

First, we're going to look at the increment and the decrement operator. Now these two operators are mainly used within loops. And so once we cover loops, we'll be using these in more detail, but I want I want to introduce what they do. So increment basically increases the value of a variable by one decrement decreases the value by one. So let me open up JavaScript console. I'm going to go ahead and clear this out.

And then let's create a variable variable i, we're going to set it equal to one. So there is equal to one. Now if we use the, the increment operator, it returns the value of one. However, the way the console is working here is it returns the value of one minute increments it. So if I enter one again, we See the actual value is now two. All right, you can place the increment operator before the variable as well.

And notice how this works. Now it increments at first and then it displays the value. decrement works just the opposite. So if I go minus minus i minus minus, it prints three, but I is actually now two, because it printed the variable and then decrement it and reduced it by one. So that's how the increment and decrement operators work. Next one is modular.

The modulo returns the remainder. And so this is used just like the division operator. However, instead of getting the quotient of one number divided by another, you get the remainder of those two. Let's take a look at that. Now one quick note on the console. here as we go through different lessons, I'll introduce different things about the console.

Notice that I had closed the console, I opened it again. But I still declared the console will retain those values which we've entered the variables and other things which we've entered until I refresh the HTML page, which I'm accessing the console from. So just a concept to be aware of now let's take a look at module. So let's do 100 modulo six, and that leaves a remainder of four. So 100 divided by six is actually 16 with a remainder of four. Now let's try 100 modulo I remember we just took took a look at it and it was equal to to notice the remainder 01 hundred divided by two is 50.

And so there is no remainder. The modulo operator, you may wonder, well, when would you use this type of thing? Well, there's certain certain situations where the modular operator can be very effective in helping you solve a problem. For example, if you wanted to find out if a number was even or odd, you would divide it by two, there would be a remainder. If it were odd, there wouldn't be if it were even. Alright, let's take a look at the type of operator the type of operators actually the word type of and it is used to determine the type of a variable.

Open the Java JavaScript console again. I should still be in here. So type of i is a number. Let's create a string type of str. Ad indicates it's a string. Oops, I'm going to create a Boolean now.

Type of that comes back as Boolean. Okay, so let's say we just declare a variable. We haven't assigned any value to it so it should be undefined type of returns undefined. So as you can see, the type of operator can allows you to check variables to see what data type they contain, and that can be helpful in certain situations as well. The next set of operators want to look at are equality operators. So to check equality You use two equal signs, strict equality, three equal signs.

Now why are there two separate operators for checking equality? Well just happens to be the way it is in JavaScript. Now, usually you should use the strict equality operator as it is more accurate than the equality operator. A lot of people that that learned JavaScript casually end up using the double equal just the equality and sometimes it can lead to problems. So usually you should use strict equality. Now the purpose of the equality operator is determined whether one value equals another value.

For example, you have a couple variables to determine whether they are equal to each other. So let's take a look at an example of that. Before we do that, I just want to indicate inequality. So if you want to see check to see if they're not equal to each other, we have an equality operator and a strict and equality operator. Okay, let's take a look at these operators. let's declare a variable str equal to Steve.

Let's stick declare another variable. Let's make it equal whoops, gotta give it a different name. And now let's see if they're equal to each other. Notice I use the equality operator, and that comes back true. If I use the strict equality operator, that comes back true as well. Okay, so in this type of situation, you get the same results whether you're using equality, or strict equality and the same is true for any quality.

Comes back false they, they're equal to each other. So it should indicate faults if we're checking to see if they're not equal to each other. And the same would be true for strict inequality. So what is the difference? Well, let me let me give you an example. Declare another variable and set it equal to five.

Declare one more variable, and set that equal to five, in quotes, so it's actually a string. Now let's see if num is equal to num, one indicates they are equal to to each other. This happens in JavaScript because of something we call type coercion, which we'll talk about a little bit later. Basically, what is happening is coercing the types so that they match and so a determines that they're equal. So the way to determine that these two values really are not equal ones, a string ones Number. So technically, they're not equal would be to use the strict inequality.

As you can see, that comes back false. Okay, the inequality operators would work very similar. The equality operators will be using a lot more once we get into if statements, and loops and control control structures like that. But I wanted to introduce it to you, and specifically introduce you the idea of equality versus strict equality and inequality versus strict inequality and encourage you to use in almost all circumstances, you're going to want to use the strict equality or strict any equality operator. So basically, the rule is unless you have a reason, otherwise use the strict operator. All right, let's move on to the next topic.

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