Welcome back to probiotic and pathogenic microbes. This next module discusses providing the objective of this video will be to describe the generic and species areas probiotic microorganisms. The word lactobacillus is derived from the Latin word lactose, meaning milk and the word bacillus, which means little rod, like the best cilia are primarily found in the small intestine back up, so I will lower the pH to the intestines by converting long chain sugars to lactic acid. This conversion inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms while creating the perfect acidic environment for lack of so I have different species to colonize. The prominent species of lactic so I include lactobacillus acidophilus L. ruder I lk sy n l infantis. So I typically grow best in warm, moist environments such as the upper intestines, but also in the oral cavity sinuses and vagina.
Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria were first observed by a lion matching a cot in the early part of the 20th century, lack of SLI produce a variety of antibiotic substances including acid Dolan has to go full in like the best selling like aside and and others. They've also been shown to reduce triglycerides in LDL cholesterol reduce infections increase growth among children prevent ulcers, reduce allergies, and many other conditions. The Phyto bacteria is derived from the Latin word by fit, which means two parts to find a bacteria are primarily found in the colon. They also colonize or colon eyes No pun intended in great numbers and have it in large sections of colon. fighter bacteria will primarily live within themselves. Clozaril membranes that line next to the colon walls here they work with the body to help process our waste matter and help break down remaining micronutrients from foods before there excrete it.
Infants typically begin with the Phyto bacterium infantis colons. With age these colonies are joined by other species of Phyto bacteria, including the Phyto bacterium, long GM, the Phyto bacterium Grievers among others. The Phyto bacteria significantly outnumber lack of SLI in the intestines. Well over 90% of healthy colon bacteria will be the Phyto bacteria. They're crucial to the processing of chemicals that circulate between the colon liver and intestines. Having significant buffer bacteria is important for keeping the bloodstream clear of endotoxins healthy infants have a predominance of a fine of bacteria and healthy mother's breast milk will have large Phyto bacteria counts however before bacteria colonies can be depleted over the years elderly people often have drastically smaller accounts of Phyto bacteria, a contributing factor for early degeneration and digestive issues.
Some of the specific benefits of the Phyto bacteria include the manufacturer of all important B vitamins, the inhibition of yeast and nitrate producing bacteria, the production of acids to balance pH, the prevention of toxin absorption and the regulation of peristalsis. They've also been shown to stimulate the immune system and reduce inflammation and allergies. While there are several types of pathogenic streptococcus I species there are probiotic streptococcus i speciesism, as well, including streptococcus thermophilus, which are common participants in dairy foods and often used as a starter in yogurt making. They're also used in cheese making it will colonize at higher temperatures from 104 to 113 degrees Fahrenheit. This is significant because this bacterium readily produces lactase which breaks down lactose. This is the only known strip to coxide that will do this like other supplemented probiotics stuff to coxide through monopolists are temporary micro organisms in the human body.
Their colonies will typically inhabit the system for a week or two before accident. During that time, however, they will set up a healthy environment to support resident colony growth like other probiotics estimate propolis will also produce a number of different antibiotic substances including acids that deter the growth of pathogenic bacteria. The research has shown that STM awfulest will reduce ulcers reduce intestinal permeability and increase immunity through supplementation. I might also add that even streptococcus I species that are considered pathogenic are present in healthy bodies. In this respect, they may be considered healthy when they're not overgrown and out of control. In manageable numbers.
These strains may be considered new biotics as they may be helpful when managed, but harmful is overgrown. In Taro coxide species can also be soil based and can also be effective or healthy depending upon the species especially in an overgrowth situation. And Taro caucus fi cm is one of such feces. probiotic strains of this species are sometimes used to make cheeses and they're also available in a number of supplement products as well. If a CMR extremely hard anything can handle extreme temperature and pH conditions. As a result, it is quite easy to get FCM through the stomach's acids research has shown that certain strains of Enterococcus potassium can reduce blood pressure, decrease cholesterol and stimulate liver health and immunity.
Saccharomyces species are nice, they're nice that one inhabit the body some pathogenic such as Candida species, but many even Candida species can assist in health when properly managed, get you colonies of this or any other yeast species grow too large they can quickly become a burden to The body due to their dietary needs, which are primarily refined sugars. Their primary problem is they produce toxic waste products, Saccharomyces boulardii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. ca are common participants with the body and produce a variety of therapeutic benefits to the body as velocity for example, are known to enhance IGA the antibody immune globulin focused on skin and mucosal immunity. This is likely why this probiotic helps clear skin conditions as polarity also helped control diarrhea and have been shown to be helpful in Crohn's disease and irritable bowel issues. Pets will already have been shown to be helpful in combating cholera bacteria as well.
Bacilli species are hardy bacteria that live in many environments, they can survive a cooler temperatures, room temperatures and hotter climates. bacilli may be helpful when managed or problematic at larger populations. Such as the case for Pacific coagulants these are indices for forming bacteria often considered a soil base organism. Nonetheless, p coagulants can also be typical residents in healthy human digestive tract in controlled numbers. The coagulant was isolated in the 1930s and named lactobacillus Ferragine eons later, scientists rename the species to its current genus. The coagulant is known to stimulate the immune system, including several types of antibodies being coagulants are spore formers.
This means they will multiply through the use of internally produce spores. These spores are surrounded by tough excess boreum or covering making this force resilient in harsh environments. This is a good thing in terms of survival through the sunk acids. At the same time, this endo spore forming method of propagation contrasts that of most probiotics, which divide through binary fission. This means be coagulants can be more resilient throughout their occupation in the body, but this also means that their overgrowth can be quite difficult to reverse. Other notable endo spore forming bacteria include Clostridium difficile.
This notion of soil based organisms brings us to the topic of our skin microorganisms. From a young age our skin will be covered by numerous bacteria and yeasts. When they are properly managed by commensal bacteria each species will contribute territorial organization to help protect the skin from invasion by lethal critters. Some of the more beneficial skin microorganisms include staphylococcus epidermidis, propionate, bacteria, acnes, corny bacterium, species and many others. These species work together to not only balance each other's populations, but control the populations of any other micro organism that happens to find its way onto our skin.