You can think about your brain as the hardware of your device. Now on the hardware of the device runs an interface known as the operating system. Now this is the software layer if you will, which governs the operation of the hardware underneath. I like to call it the mind interface. This is how you interact with the brain. This is how the brain is able to moderate itself.
This is how the brain is able to adjust your experience based on the state of your mind. The mind interface is much like a software layer, which is running all these different apps on your computer or on your on your smartphone. A great analogy would be a smartphone with The brain being all the machinery, the speakers, the microprocessors, all of these things would be the hardware part of the device, which is your brain itself, which is the physical, functioning brain. Now I want to add a little bit about the structure of the brain. Now, the brain, as you might know, is a large universe of neural networks. Now, when we were younger, there was a lot of activity in the spray.
Now, each memory that you have each thought that you have, are essentially connections between these two neurons, which are firing at the same time. And new connections are formed as we gain experience and these connections are what our idea of life essentially is. Now as we age it is said that we stopped forming these neural connections that the brain somehow stops to grow. There was an experiment done on Zen monks trying to understand how their brains were reacting to this aging process of the brain where it was largely known that the neural network had stopped connect or stopped to make new connections. And it turns out that mindfulness techniques like meditation actually allow you to continue to grow these neural connections. So we're going to be diving deep into what these techniques are, as we move forward in the course