Now that we have imported media, let's learn about the Project panel. The Project panel contains footage, audio clips, and any images that we import. If we need any details about the footage we have imported, we can simply find them in the project pan. Right now we are able to see the thumbnail. If you hover over the thumbnail, you can get the preview of the video. By clicking on the ListView we can get a lot of information about the clips we put.
Like we can see the frame rate, video duration, and resolution. You can also move these columns as per your preference. If you're unable to find the remaining panels Do not worry, you can just click here and find them. Now that we have got some idea about the Project panel, let's start with the sequence. What is sequence sequence in a project is something Where you can arrange your clips and music in a sequence, we can add images, music, wise clips, and video, we can actually have multiple sequences in a project. In simple terms, sequence contains your timeline and the editing that we will understand it much better as we continue editing.
There are multiple ways to create a session by going to File, New sequence or by clicking this button and selecting sequence. The easy way to create a sequence is by just selecting the cliff and dragging and dropping it at the timeline. One advantage by this method is you don't have to worry about the sequence settings. If you choose the other two methods, for example, file, new sequence, then you will have to select the presets, frame size, audio sample rate and everything else. If you are sure that the video that you have inputted has the eggs settings that you need. Then simply drag and drop will save your time.