Mixing some olive greens now for the bushes on that hillside rich, taking Cadmium Yellow ultramarine blue and a touch of white there and now starting to apply it from the right and now we're going to add a touch more crimson to the mix to warm it up slightly. And the idea is not to try and paint individual clumps of leaves, but to just paint broad areas of color. Obviously not obliterating the darks that you have underneath, but just allowing the color to fall off the knife. The thing to bear in mind is that this is an impressionist style landscape. It's not meant to have any detail at all You don't. You don't paint individual leaves or branches or twigs, it really is to give an impression.
So nice large areas of color. And because you're painting broadly with the knife, it's really important to keep standing back from time To time to look at the picture because when you're working so closely, you don't have a good idea of what it looks like as a whole. I'm mixing a darker tone now with blue and Crimson to reestablish some of the shadow area in these bushes, and also a little bit further up to break the areas of foliage and time to take another step back to reassess the whole picture to see how it's looking. And just completing with a few more dark streaks before we go on to the final stage highlighting and some detail