Well, that just about wraps it up for this course. I really hope that you have enjoyed watching these step by step videos and learn something about color mixing using three primary colors and why and how to use the painting knife. Obviously, there is a huge range of different colors available to you reds, yellows, and blues. And the reason I've chosen these three particular colors is that ultramarine blue and Crimson make the best violence and I love using that color for the darks and the shadow areas especially Cadmium Yellow, makes a wonderful Olive greens and we have a lot of that variety of color in the Australian landscape. I have included a step by step PDF guide as an accompaniment to all the videos including a photo reference of the painting for you to follow. I really hope that you enjoy having a good doing this landscape with your three primary colors and painting Life, and I really look forward to seeing the results of what you've done.
I would also really appreciate your comments about this course. And finally, as my mentor once told me, just paint