Welcome back to Twitter tycoon. In this video, we're going to talk about influencers. So you want to make sure that you're finding the right influencers from the beginning. You want to find right the right influencers that are relevant to your niche. You also want to frequently interact with others by replying, retweeting or favoriting. One way you can make this streamlined is to start with the private Twitter list of influencers that you made.
Then run the list through Klout together the Klout score from from the filter drop down, click keyword and select Klout score. Look at people with scores of plus 55 and then add any users that you think are interesting. See what I learned about them quickly so scroll through their last 40 to 50 tweets, if they haven't replied to retweeted anyone cut them from the list, okay, you want to make sure that you're only following influencers that are doing this and then look at their favorited tweets, this We'll help you understand their interests. The next step is going to be to get on their radar. So you want to follow them and add them to a public Twitter list, read and retweet their all time most popular tweets. Then you can use fav star to check the top tweets and then retweet their causes.
Okay, this will help get their attention, monitor what they're promoting, retweet the things that they care about. You also want to answer their questions the best way to get on their radar. This also establishes you as an authority. You can revisit past questions using advanced search. So you can actually go and answer unanswered questions from the past using this advanced search and then just answer questions that they have. Ego stroking also works pretty well to just announce who you are following on your Twitter stream.
Okay, don't overdo it. And don't look like a fanboy girl. Okay? So just announce who you're following. That's going to help you get on people's radar, just you don't want to. You don't want to come in too strong, okay?
You don't want to seem obsessive or anything, because you still want your list to look at you as an authority as well. So in the next video, we're going to talk about future followers and how to get them so I'll see you in the next video.