Now we're gonna learn how to play the rest of the notes that make up the a major scale. We're gonna start by playing whole tones on D, E and F sharp. Take a big breath in and play a D. Now take a big breath in and play E. Now take a big breath in and play F sharp. Now we're going to do the same thing using whole notes with the click track. So each note will get four beats, and then it'll be four beats rest, one, two, ready, BPM rest 234 now he won. Rest 1234 now F sharp 123 now we're gonna do the same thing again.
One, two. Ready, begin d 1234. Rest 1234 e 1234, rest 1234 F sharp one, four. Now we're going to do the same thing without the rest between the notes. One, two. Ready, begin d 1234, e 1234 F sharp.
In Studio One, two, ready? For F sharp one, we're gonna play the final three notes that make up the a major scale. Sure, F sharp, G sharp. Use the same technique, start by playing along tone on F sharp, G sharp. on high a. Now we're gonna play them as whole notes with four beats rest in between them.
One, two, ready? Oh, F sharp 121234 G sharp. 1234 a one. Let's try it again. One, two, ready for G sharp. Now let's play them without the rest in between.
One, two. Ready, Go F sharp, three, four G sharp. One, two. Ready, F sharp 1234 G sharp. Now let's play D, E and F sharp as half notes. So two clicks for each note with two click break in between.
One, two. Ready, Go D One, two, E to F sharp one. Let's try it again. One, two. Ready, go. D to rest to be one, two, F sharp.
Now stride without the rest in between. One, two. Ready, go. D, E, F sharp. Let's try it again. One, two, ready, go.
D One, two, E, F sharp One, two. Now let's play D and F sharp as quarter notes. One click for each note. One, two. Ready, go. One, two.
Ready, go. One, two. Ready, go. One, two. Ready, go. Hey.
Now we're gonna play F sharp, G sharp and a as half notes with a two click break. Then without the break, and then as quarter notes, one To Ready, go. Rest. Rest to two. Let's try. Same thing again.
One, two. Ready, begin. F sharp. Rest to G sharp. Rest to rest. Now we're gonna try the same thing without the break in the middle.
One, two. Ready, go. To same thing again. One, two, ready go. One more time. One, two.
Ready? Go. Now we're gonna play F sharp, G sharp and a has quarter notes. One, two, ready? One, two. Ready, go.
One, two. Ready. One, two. Ready, go. On to ready. Now we're gonna play the entire a major step.
Well as whole notes, one, two, ready, go to three, or four C sharp or D 1234, E, F sharp, G sharp. Now we're gonna play it as half notes. One, two. Ready? Go. Sure Now we're gonna play the notes descending to ready