Avoid the crash of the development schedule, overshadowing effective planning and decision making. You don't want to be in a position of revisiting customer requirements to amend your product after its launch. Right. This would mostly happen if you're too narrowly focused on meeting the development schedule. Qf D is an effective planning and decision making tool. Give these factors the needed priority.
Avoid gathering perfect data. Many times significant customer insights and data exists within the organization. But they are in the form of hidden knowledge not communicated to people with a need for this information. On the other hand, it may be necessary to spend additional time gathering the voice of customer before beginning Qf D Avoid technical arrogance and the belief that company personnel knows more than the customer. Quality function deployment is an extremely useful methodology to facilitate communication, planning and decision making within a product development team. It is not a paperwork, exercise or additional documentation that must be completed in order to proceed to the next development milestone.
It not only brings the new product closer to the intended target, but reduces development cycle time and cost in the process. I hope you have now thoroughly understood quality function deployment your stop you as you are you are something you know you yo If you have really loved this training, the content and the presentation style, please leave your candidate feedback for us. Your rating and feedback helps us reach a much wider audience. We thank you again for watching this video.