In this video, I'm going to explain how you can analyze and get inspired for your particular niche using Pinterest. And then we're going to create social media graphic for that particular niche inside of Photoshop. So for example, let's say you're into cooking, you can say, for example, social media, food. Let's say, press enter, and you can see various different social media graphics. You can click on them, and you can see how they look like. You can get the feel of your brand, which is the most important thing.
So we have this colorful ones. But in this case, they're mainly using orange and red. We also have these minimal ones. So if that's something that interests you, you can create something like that as well. So let's say your niche is full You can also type whatever niche you're in, right here. So if it's cars, if it's fashion, if it's whatever, you can do it inside of Instagram, and let's say food.
So I if I go to unsplash, which I recommend you use, because unsplash is one of the biggest image repositories online, which you can use completely for free in both personal and commercial projects. And if you go to our Skillshare profile, we have a dedicated course about free images, which you can check out if you want to learn about more of the websites where you can get free images for your projects, as well as different types of licenses and use cases for your images. I also recommend image optimization for social media posts because in this course, I'm explaining why it's important to optimize your images for social Media. And next to it is the same topic, but for websites and blogs. So do check out those courses because you can learn a lot about social media images and image optimization, as well as website optimization. And we also have free fonts, which you can check out if you need some free fonts.
Now, let's go back to unsplash and our food images. So let's pick one simple image. Well, let's see this one. Yeah, we can use this image because we have something minimal in mind. So I can simply go back to Photoshop, I can go to my social media cheat sheet. And for example, let's start with Instagram.
I can click on Instagram folder, open it up, locate the Instagram post because we are going to start with Instagram posts. So double click right here. Open it up. You can hide Text image if you don't want it to be here, simply click this eye icon. And this Instagram post layer is your background layer. So if I go back to the unsplash, I'm using Google Home.
So I have this option. If you have Mozilla Firefox or some other browser, I'm not really sure. From Safari, for example, I'm not really sure this can work for you. But you can also right click and save image to your desktop. But in my case, I'm just going to copy this image. Once again, in Google Chrome, you have that option.
I can go back to the Instagram post Ctrl or Command V to paste this image inside. Click on one of the corners, hold Shift Alt and left click again in one of the corners to increase the size of this image and then hold shift and left mouse click. So I can drag it right here. Press checkmark or enter. And there we go. You can double click right here.
Type image if you want to rename this layer so you can know that that is your image. Now next step, we're going to add a frame, you can click right here on this square, and you can choose a rectangle tool. Now, because I know this is 1080 by 1080, I can simply click right here and go 1080 in width. press Tab 1080 in height, and simply use the Move tool. I can position it like so or hold Ctrl click on this Instagram post layer, select my new rectangle layer. Use the Move Tool shortcut is V and then click this middle one and this middle one to position in the middle like this, as well as like this Ctrl D to deselect.
Now, I'm still using multiple click in one of the corners Shift Alt, left click again in one of the corners. And you can decrease the size of this new object that you just created. Press Enter or Return, press A on your keyboard. And as you can see right here at the top, we have Phil, and we have stroke. Now for this particular example, we don't want to fill but we do want stroke. So you can click on the fill, click right here to hide it, click on the stroke, and you can select one of these colors right here, or you can click right here.
This call color dialog will pop up and you can simply select one of these colors that you see on your image. So let's choose a red for example. Press OK. And then as you can see, we have our frame which is now inside of our image. Now let's use move to once again click in one of the corners, Shift Alt, left click so we can decrease the size A bit more tour around. Yeah, let's say right here, press enter. Or you can click the check mark you saw right there, press A once again, and we want to increase the size of the stroke.
By size, I mean thickness of the stroke. It's now on five points. But let's say I want to increase it to 10 percenter, and as you can see, it's now fatter than it was before. You can also increase it to 50. Let's say just so you can see how that looks like as well. Ctrl Z to go back, and it's now on 10 points.
Now, let's rename it, double click on the layer name, and let's type frame, press Enter. And what we're going to do now is cut it in some areas so we can hide it behind these different elements inside of our image. And to do that, you can go right back down to this icon right here. So select your layer and click right here to add a mask. Now this is our main layer and this is our mask. So we're going to hide different portions of our frame and to show a different portion of our image.
How we're going to do that is click right here, inside of this white square, and you can see by these small lines which of the layer part is selected, we are going to use this one for the mask. Press B on your keyboard for the brush and you are going to want to use black and white as your foreground and background colors. If some other color is selected, simply click on the color and choose black and white isn't top simply choose white right here. Now where I'm start painting, it starts hiding some ports of the frame. It's still there, but it's a hidden because we have a layer mask on top of that part of the frame. If it controls that to go back, I'm going to zoom in a bit further so you can use the zoom function right here.
Or you can also click alt and scroll wheel on your mouse, or you can pinch to zoom if you're using a laptop, press space, you can navigate left right top and bottom while holding your left mouse key. So once again space and left mouse key so you can navigate around now to see a bit better. In some areas, you can lower the opacity by clicking right here, and you can lower the opacity of the frame so you can see background elements a bit better. For some parts you don't need to but for some parts for example right here, you do need to sew clothes Let's go back right here, press B. Once again, make sure the frame is selected, and I'm going to simply paint on some parts of our frame. You can refine it later if you want to, and if you need to, so go back right here at the end of this leave, like so simply click where you need to, if your brush is a lot bigger, right click, and you can increase or decrease the size of the brush by simply moving this slider left and right and you can see what that does.
Now we're going to leave it on top right here, and simply click right here to remove it from this part of this poll. And now we're getting to the smaller parts of our image. You can see the result right now. So we need to, we need to remove it from here as well as from here. So I'm going to zoom in once again, a lower The opacity of the frame so you can see through it better. Right click so you can decrease the size of your brush.
Once again, black color is on top, which hides. And if you click on the white color on top, it will reveal. So black on top click to remove some parts of this frame. If it's not perfect, you can also call back at any time because this is a non destructive method, because if I delete this mask from the frame, it will keep the frame but it will delete the mask you can go back at any point and do this. On this frame, you can change its color you can increase or decrease the size of the frame like you saw at the beginning. And you can also hide or show portions of the frame based on the size of your image or based on if you change your mind or whatever you need.
So let's finish this up. Click right here. A few times. And I think Let's call it a day. Now let's increase the size. Sorry, the capacity of our frame.
And you can see final result. It goes back behind some of these elements, and it basically shows a bit better. And it frames what we want to show, which is in case of this image, all of these different elements which are inside of our image. Now let's add a text. So press T on your keyboard. Let's move the frame right here to the bottom.
Click inside of our image because if you want to click on text layer and type, right now it will type inside of the frame, which we don't want, we want to type on top of our frame. So to do that, you can simply click on whichever other layer and then you can Also click and drag and move the layers. From top to bottom. This is our original Instagram post, but let's move it down right below our image. So once again click on the image, so we don't type inside the frame but on top of it, click right here. Let's example tasty let's use different layer Press enter to confirm Ctrl J or Command J.
So you can duplicate it use the Move Tool shortcut is V called shift and move it down. Press t click Ctrl or Command A and type foot so it's really simple tasty food and as you can see food is on top of the tasty you can click on the food, drop it below tasty and we also want to move both of these text layers above the frame. To do that, click on one of them Hold Ctrl or Command, click on the tasty, move them on top. And they are now on top of our frame layer. Now, if this seems way too slow and way too boring, trust me, when you create a couple of these social media graphics or any graphics inside of Photoshop, and your vision using some of these methods, your speed will increase dramatically. So let's press T once again with both of our text layers selected, and now we're going to choose the font.
So let's choose something. Yeah, we can use this caution script, which is a free Google Font, you can Google it and I can also leave the link for discourse and you can find it easier that way. Now to speed things up a little bit. Once again, click on one of them, hold Ctrl Click on the other use move to shift click in one of the corners and increase the size and we can position them like so control G, so we can group them and move them at the same time. So Ctrl, click right here inside of the Instagram post, which is our background, use moto press right here in the middle. So you can position this text in the middle Ctrl D to deselect, right click on our group and ungroup layers.
Now, if I wanted to do that, like this with separate layers outside of the group, here's what will happen. So Ctrl click right here, use the Move tool, press this middle one, and as you can see it put both of the layers in the middle, which we don't want. We want them to move inside of our group, as I show you before, and to look like this when we finish. Now one last thing we want to add for this simple social media graphic is changed the color of the text. So if I select one of the text, click t Come right here, you can sample some color. So for example, let's choose this one for this one and click on the food.
And let's choose this one for the food. And that's it. Your social media graphic is ready. Now, as I said, this is just a simple example, I can go and show you a lot more. And as I said in the video at the beginning, we created thousands of the social media graphics in our team. So we have quite a bit of experience with them.
But for this course, let's say this is it and let's add a button. So I can click D, click right here. Let's type in buyer, or, let's say www dot web Let's say this is your website, control a, and let's choose another different font. So let's choose Example play fair display regular, which is also a free gold font and you can find it on the fonts that I will leave the link as well. You can reduce the size or increase the size or you can type for the custom size right here.
So, for example, a 500 percenter, and you can see it's huge out. But let's choose, for example 36. And let's position it a bit better. So we can place a button right here. And let's once again choose this rectangle tool, and you can simply draw something to create a button. Now, let's call this btn short for button.
Move this layer below website and you can increase or decrease the size of it or these sides. Control click inside, click on the website, this middle one, this middle one so you can position it in the middle Ctrl D, but I think it's too big. So what we're going to do is simply hold Ctrl Click on bottom as well click on the move tool, shortcut is V, and then let's simply decrease the size by holding shift. Sorry, I didn't select both of them. So once again modal, click, hold Shift, and we can decrease the size like so. We can also hold shift and left mouse click to position it like so, to be in the middle of this text.
You can move it up or down. It's really up to you. But let's leave it for example right here for our example. And one final thing I'm going to do is press T, click right here and select this white because I think it's going to work a bit better with our forum. Also, click right here. And then right here if you don't have properties, you can go to Windows, sorry window and then click Properties and This dialog will pop up, or this dialog does is allow you to round the corners of these elements.
So for example, I want to add rounded corners for our button, you can do that. So for example, let's choose 50. Press Enter. And as you can see, it created rounded corners for our button. And I want to increase the size of it just a tad. You can also control click inside of the website, press V and then move it like so.
So you can position it in the middle Ctrl D to deselect. And there we go. Your new social media graphic is ready. Now you can save it directly to desktop from here, go to the File, Save as choose the destination where you want to save it and your file format. Or you can simply click Ctrl S and it will go back to our social media cheat sheet. Now in the next video, I'm going to explain how you can adapt this graphic that we just made for different social media sizes.