So now we want to work on the stem and I want to echo a very pale color. So with my number six brush could add a little water to my palette, make a little puddle here, and I'm going to take this deep green could add a little bit of pressure and blue, just a little bit of it to tone the color and then a little bit of black. So now we have a very dusty green, going to add a brush full of water. And then right next to it, I'm going to take whatever pigment remains on my brush and water and try and rub that off. Then I'm going to come in here with this lighter green and blend that in to that smaller puddle that we made. I'm going to take my small brush again my number one brush, and I'm going to start with my lighter color.
Got to pick it up on the brush and I'm going to make striations down the length of Stem here. Not using a lot of pigment or a lot of water on my brush, and he's you can see the papers really absorbing that right away. I'm gonna come in here and take some of this darker color on my brush. And here I'm going to add an s another layer of striation. Again, I still have some white showing down my stem and I'll let this layer dry.