Hey guys welcome back to touch for beginners course in this lecture we will have a look to phrasal verb of native Turkish again Okay, so this one is bush boat mark so what does it mean? So it gives the meaning of guests the truce by chance okay? Just you don't know something and you just say something from yourself and but you don't know you don't know that you are saying the truth okay. You guess the truth. So let's have a look at an example on them or at Mendham Ben him Hawking Hawking the hilarious samata venom aku long costume on the Bosch Arctic dope. So, here on them my mother, right.
It's men then recommended like from From the teacher, then him How can regulary like relate something related to me sore mother, like without asking them akula costume like I asked that I escaped from school is like it gives the meaning of my mother knew that I escaped from school without asking the teacher. She guessed by chance was off topic.