Okay, so now we're going to look at the past continuous here, okay? And so again, look at the title of the tense it can help you This is the past and this is something that is continuous something that continues to happen. Okay, so how do we form the tense we put the subject I, and then we have the verb to be. I was you were, he was. We were and they were plus the verb plus IMG. So for example, and I was playing Okay, I was talking, I was working.
Okay, you were working all of these things. Okay, great. So what's more important is when you use the tense okay? This can be a bit more difficult. So this is at a specific time in the past, okay. So firstly, Sample they asked you what were you?
What were you doing yesterday? Okay with that question, I'm asking for the continuous it's not like a completed finished action, like the past simple. So continuous thing. So, and it's at a specific time in the past, okay when an action continues in the past, okay? And also for background information, if you're telling a story, for example, you can say I was living in Barcelona when I met my wife. Okay?
The most important part of the story is I met my wife, but you want to put a little bit of information to give the other person as some context to your story. So that's background information. Okay, let's look at some examples. So I was playing football at four o'clock yesterday. Okay. The idea here is that you didn't finish the football at four o'clock.
Can you continue playing And for until five o'clock maybe. And, okay, so I drew a little timeline here at the bottom. And as you can see, and so that's the idea here. Maybe it's four o'clock around here. Okay, that's four o'clock in the past, and it continues, okay, maybe I started playing football at three o'clock here. And it continued on to five o'clock.
So you want to show that this idea of continuing, and that's the idea of this tense. And so with the negative thing you just make was negative. So I was not playing football. And at four o'clock yesterday, I wasn't playing. Sometimes we make this contraction and say I wasn't playing football at four o'clock yesterday. Then the most common question that We'll use Where are you playing football at four o'clock yesterday.
Okay, and good. So that's basically it for the past continues. We'll see you in the next video.