Be Able to Practice, Understand and Teach Yoga on a Profoundly Deep and Healing Level

Learn how to teach full professional yoga classes with healing benefits for yourself and your students.
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Items in this Bundle

Learn how to create yoga classes and yoga sequences for physical, mental, and emotional harmony.
3 hours 23 minutes
13 videos
Learn how to practice Kapalabhati Pranayama.
44 minutes
13 videos and 1 document
Experience the healing benefits of yoga poses by mindfully aligning your body in the right way.
2 hours 20 minutes
29 videos and 1 document
Learn the highly beneficial alignments of classical sun salutations.
1 hour 18 minutes
15 videos
Learn yoga sequences to ease stress and anxiety.
1 hour 42 minutes
3 videos

About the Bundle

This Bundle contains 5 very loved and appreciated yoga courses. All courses are taught by me, Deep Kumar. We already have plenty of positive feedback on all the individual courses, so Here we decided to put them all together in one bundle.

  1. Healing Yoga: Health-Giving-Alignments of 24 Key Yoga Poses
  2. Healing Yoga: The Alignments of Classical Sun-Salutations
  3. Learn to Design Your own Healing Yoga Classes
  4. Healing Yoga Pranayama: Improve Blood Circulation, Digestion, and Cleanse Your Lungs
  5. Yoga to Reduce Anxiety and Stress with Deep Kuma

This Bundle is beneficial for Yoga-Practitioners who want to go Deep or Yoga-Teachers who want to refresh their knowledge. Watch the preview videos to see what these courses will look like. Also, feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this bundle.

Here are the detailed descriptions of the 5 courses:

1. Healing Yoga: Health-Giving alignments of 24 key Yoga Poses:

Experience healing benefits from your yoga poses by mindfully aligning your body the right way. This course teaches the health-giving alignments of 24 key yoga poses. Apply the health-giving alignments in your yoga routine and gain healing benefits from your practice. Become fully aware of, how to align your body correctly. Understand why your own body and breath can be a great teacher for you. Watch the videos as often as needed. Become more conscious of your inner self during your practice. The student will gain a fundamental understanding of how to align the body; gaining a strong foundation that helps to flower as a beautiful human being.

Yoga poses taught in this course:

Standing poses and hip openers

  • Organic Pose/Tadasana
  • Tree Pose/Vrksasana
  • Chair Pose/Utkatasana
  • Warrior I/Virabhadrasana I
  • Extended Side Stretch/Parsvakonasana
  • Warrior II/Virabhadrasana II
  • Triangle Pose/Trikonasana

Benefits of practicing standing poses and hip openers:

Gives flexibility to the hip joints and stretches the lower back muscles, strengthens the legs, and corrects minor leg deformities; improves the sense of balance. Opens the chest area and lengthens the spine and arms. It encourages a sense of focus and calm in the practitioner.

Sitting poses and forward-bending postures

  • Staff Pose/Dandasana 
  • Hero Pose/Virasana 
  • Head to Knee Pose/Janu Sirsasana
  • Seated Forward Bend/Paschimottanasana

Benefits of practicing sitting poses and forward-bending postures:

Strengthens the spinal muscles, increases lumbar spine elasticity, increases hamstring flexibility and relieves compression of the spine and sciatica. Tones the hamstring muscles and increases the flexibility of the hip joints. Increases vitality, and removes mild anxiety, headache, and fatigue.

Backward-bending postures and shoulder openers

  • Cobra Pose/Bhujangasana
  • Locust Pose/Salabhasana
  • Camel Pose/Ustrasana 
  • Bridge Pose/Sethu Bandhasana
  • Cow Face Pose/Gomukhasana

Benefits of backward-bending postures and shoulder openers:

Increases spinal flexibility and strength. It also strengthens and tones the back muscles. This pose helps with a slipped disc and minor lower back pain and injury. It also fully opens the chest, giving strength and elasticity to the lungs. Tones the muscles of the back, shoulders, neck, and buttocks. Relieving stiff shoulders and neck, while strengthening the back muscles and toning the arms. This poses calming the mind and helps to relieve mild depression.

Twisting postures

  • Seated Twist/Marichyasana I
  • Supine Twist/Supta Matsyendrasana

Benefits of practicing twisting postures:

Tones the abdominal organs, helps relieve lower back stiffness and also keeps the intervertebral discs supple. It also stretches the shoulders and stimulates the brain. Calms the mind and reduces anxiety.

Inversions and core-strengthening postures

  • Downward Facing Dog/Adho Mukha Svanasana 
  • Half Shoulder Stand/Ardha Sarvangasana 
  • Boat Pose/Navasana
  • Double Leg Raises/Dwi Pada Uttanapadasana

Benefits of practicing inversions and core-strengthening postures:

Increasing blood supply to the throat maintains the health of the thyroid gland and is the best pose to prepare the lungs and diaphragm for Pranayama practices. It also stretches the spine while encouraging blood circulation, relieving varicose veins, and preventing blood stagnation. Tones and strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, lower back, and pelvis. It helps tremendously with digestion, and with blood circulation.

Relaxation postures:

  • Wind Releasing Pose/Pawanmuktasana
  • Corpse Pose/Savasana

Benefits of practicing relaxation postures:

Releasing any unnecessary tension they were exerting on other structures such as the bones, nerves, and joints. It also helps relieve stress, mild depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

‘’The mind is silent, relaxed, at the moment and the body is strong, that is the way of a yogi to enjoy the life.’’ (Deep Kumar - In this course)


2. Learn to Design Your Own Healing Yoga Classes:

Learn how to create yoga classes and yoga sequences for physical, mental, and emotional harmony. Practicing yoga impacts the physical body as well as mental and emotional aspects of a human being. Deep vinyasa yoga means practicing certain yoga sequences that will create physical, mental, and emotional harmony. This course teaches you to create balance through the understanding of vinyasa yoga on a deeper level. 

It is not advised or can be even dangerous to design a yoga sequence without a deeper understanding. Yoga poses and breathing techniques are powerful tools that will alter the student's mood and emotions. This course will teach you, how to design vinyasa yoga sequences. These yoga sequences will impact your own and your student's moods and emotions positively.

Why is this course valuable for yoga teachers?

Students will learn a system to design vinyasa yoga sequences (vinyasa yoga classes). They will learn to understand the physical and psychological value of yoga poses. Students will also learn when and how to include breathing methods. After taking this course, you will be able to impact your students physically, mentally, and emotionally. You will be able to give your students a feeling of positivity and progress in the yoga classes you are teaching. It is a proven system to create numerous vinyasa yoga classes that benefit you and your students.

How to get the most out of this course?

This course contains a theoretical part and a practical part.

The theoretical part includes the deep vinyasa yoga system. The theoretical part is a recording from the Deep Yoga Teacher Training Course 2017 in Malaysia. It is about understanding the insights on how to design a vinyasa yoga sequence. It will also give you a deeper understanding of how to design sequences for physical, mental, and spiritual harmony. We recommend taking notes during the theoretical part.

The practical part contains one warm-up and two full deep vinyasa yoga classes. One class is on the beginner level, the other class is on the intermediate/advanced level. We recommend practicing them along with the awareness and understanding of your freshly learned knowledge. You have lifetime access to the entire course and the two sequences. You can practice the sequences as often as you wish by yourself. Later you can use them as templates and modify them, to teach your own classes to your students.

We encourage you to give us feedback and ask questions. So far we are able to answer every request that was made and support our students here. A short interview with Deep answering a few questions is added as a bonus. 

3. Healing Yoga: The Alignments of Classical Sun Salutations:

Make sun salutations a profoundly understood and highly beneficial element of your yoga class. This course was filmed in the morning while the sun was rising. It was recorded just after Deep's morning practice a few meters away from his house in Malaysia. It has a very elemental and in-artificial setting. Deep has a vast and down-reaching wealth of knowledge about the proper alignments in modern yoga practice. Getting the alignments of sun salutation right not only ensures amazing benefits during your regular practice but also is one of the easiest ways to make your students happy as a yoga teacher.

This course teaches the alignments of classical sun salutations. Sun salutation or Surya namaskar is a dynamic, energetic, and vitalizing sequence of interlocking yoga poses. It is probably the most taught and practices Yoga Sequence of all. That is so for various good reasons. You will learn how to breathe the right way during the complete sequence of classical sun salutations in this course, as well.

Why should I acquire a firm and established knowledge about practicing and/or teaching classical sun salutations?

A yoga class that includes a strong practice of sun salutations is beneficial and satisfying for every practitioner on the mat - from beginner to advanced students. A few rounds of the sequence already make it worth stepping on the mat. It opens up the entire body and prepares the students for any other yoga practices and advanced poses. The sequence was designed to work on all body parts, every organ, your energy system, and your chakras.

Classical sun salutations are a complete workout for the mind, body, and soul. According to some yogis, practicing sun salutations alone is sufficient to develop all qualities of an advanced student; including a calm, present, and silent mind.

What else is there:

In the second part of the course, the safety alignments are taught to ensure your own and your student's security. At the end of part two we encourage you to practice a few rounds with your newly learned knowledge; after that sit silently for a few moments and notice your own self. This course also includes a small E-book. It points out the benefits and contraindications for each Pose of the sequence.

4. Healing Yoga Pranayama: Improve Blood Circulation, Digestion and Cleanse your Body

What is Kapalabhati Pranayama?

Kapalabhati pranayama is a yoga breathing technique that energizes your body and your brain. Also known as “skull-shining breath” kapalabhati comes from two Sanskrit words: Kapala, which translates to “skull,” and bhati, which means “shine” or “light’’. It’s a practice that purifies and rejuvenates the mind and body. Kapalabhati has many cleansing and energizing benefits. This practice makes your head literally shine by creating a beautiful glow on your face.

Pranayama in general refers to yogic breath-control or energy-control. Kapalabhati is one of the most dynamic breathing techniques that is taught to modern yoga practitioners. Understood and practiced properly it comes with a multitude of benefits.

The benefits of Kapalabhati:

  • increases energy
  • removes fatigue
  • energizes the body and the brain
  • reduces overthinking
  • prepares the mind for mental work and meditation
  • improves digestion
  • increases oxygen in the bloodstream
  • cleanses the lungs 
  • makes your skin shine
  • supports your immunity
  • improves circulation, particularly in the head
  • balances and strengthens the nervous system
  • sharpens sensory perception
  • stimulates chakra energy
  • increases overall well being


“As wild animals are tamed very slowly and cautiously, so should Prana be brought under control very slowly and under consideration to one's capacity and limitations.’’ Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Do not apply this breathing method when suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke or epilepsy, or any abdominal pain. Women should not apply during pregnancy and the menstrual cycle. Please make sure you are considering all the precautions before you start your practice.

About this Course:

  • In this course, Deep is teaching everything you need to know about practicing this technique
  • The right technique is most crucial in order to make the practice fully beneficial and safe.
  • You will be given a demonstration of the right technique and be shown where your breath exactly has to flow during this practice. You will learn how to identify and avoid mistakes. 
  • In this course, it is also taught how to advance in this practice.
  • After this course, all the tools have been given in order to teach and practice this method.

5. Yoga to Reduce Anxiety and Stress with Deep Kumar

About the Class

Are you looking for gentle relief from the toils of everyday life?

Are you struggling with your nerves, high blood pressure, or anxiety?

Are you keen on finding ways to cultivate more energy without putting yourself through a rigorous workout?

What will you learn in this bundle?

We get it. That is why we have collaborated with Deep Kumar as he guides you through gentle yogic sequences that will reconnect you with your body, settle your nerves and put a jump in your step.

In today’s modern world, many of us suffer from physical, mental, and emotional disorders. Much of this stress is carried by our backs, shoulders, and necks leading to sciatica, knee injuries, menstrual disorders, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and other ailments.

As these are responses from the body under stress over a long period of time, there are no quick fixes to remedy that stress except for long-term, consistent but gentle upkeep.

Here we want you to focus on relaxing your nervous system by relaxing your muscles, checking your breath, and coming back to your body. It's simple.

We understand that time is seemingly speeding up, leaving us with less time for ourselves to prepare for those long days. Many of us don’t have time to go to a yoga class, let alone the energy.

In 3 gentle sessions, Deep Kumar unravels the connection between tension and digestion, the spine and stress.

According to yogic understanding, whenever stress, uneasiness, or tension happens, it affects digestion. When this stiffness happens, the spine is affected, causing more uneasiness. In these sessions, Deep works on the 6 movements of the spine, digestion, and the breath to find ease in the body.

The whole effort of these sequences is to find ease with yourself. To have that ease within yourself you have to follow your breath.

The lovingness for your breath will be the foundation for finding that ease with yourself.

Who should take this course?

This course is for absolutely everyone.

We will be happy to see you on the inside.

You can watch the lessons as often as you want and always come back. Please feel free to communicate with us, we are always here to help.

We wish to create a dialog with our students and create a sharing atmosphere.

Satisfied students are very important to us. We answer every request made by our students and we are happy to help if any questions occur. We are also open to adding a new video if many students request more information about a certain topic. After you purchase this course you are part of our yoga family, please feel free to send us a message.

May you be shining.

Love and Gratitude

Deep and Yoga Samiti


You should have at least 3 months of experience in practicing yoga.


Deep Kumar

ERYT-500 affiliated Yoga Teacher approved by Yoga Alliance
Deep is a master of the body and mind. He is the founder and creator of the Deep Yoga method, Deep Yoga Therapy, Deep Conscious Vinyasa , Deep organic meditation method and Deep Soul Tantra Yoga, all which works precisely on  alignments, breathing,  philosophy and meditation for the physical, mental and emotional well-being.   He has trained...


Deep Kumar's School

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Additional Details

Language: English
Level: Beginner
Skills: Yoga, Mindfulness, Chakras, Postures, Health, Stress Management, Kapalabhati, Fitness, Surya Namaskar, Yoga Poses, Healing Yoga, Sun-Salutations, Yoga Teaching, Vinyasa Yoga
Age groups: All ages

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