Hello, in this tutorial, we will cover creating a table. So if you're already familiar with something like PHP myadmin, my thinking, we can create the table by clicking this button, you get this little window that pops up the table. And you can put the name of a field, the type default values for stuff. And that's true. And honestly, I'll recommend using this. Generally, it's just an easier way.
It's easy to edit. It's just, you know, a better way of doing things. I personally think, but it's good to know how to employ coders. Trust me, the need will arise when you create dynamic applications and websites. So what we'll do is get rid of this right here. And we're going to come in SQL query, we're going to be outside of the execute method simply because it's a bit more complex than what we had before.
But you know, you could put it within there in line if you will. wanted to put a triple quotation mark just this this allows us to you know do it on multiple lines, name creating Name field and on this type of charge the fee is 20 and it's called can't be null. So this is necessary to separate the fields now location show 100 and we gender Shaw one so again you know gender Korean man or female you know we're just going to keep it simple as male or female and a will be integer, same me 16 and a half is 16 or 17 in our case and missing missing this without this table missing the actual command and the table, test table and quotation mark there. No here we end it so good. Before we run it, we just need to close it up, excuse me, Jackie, run the query in the code and now we can run the code itself.
So run module. Okay, now if I go to here, if we go to users, Aleksey another type of pit, you might be thinking why they appeared here, not there. That's nothing to do. It was just a PHP myadmin admin thing. If I reload, a Piazza fun, because test table and good structure. As you can see, we see the name, location, gender age, we could insert you know data itself.
Once we add data to it, your see right here. And this data will be able to edit as well will be to say. So you know, without a GUI like this, we wouldn't have all of this flexibility. We're not using this to create the table. We're just simply using it to make sure that being created and you know, just look at it in general is more for people. That's it for this video.
Thanks for watching. I look forward to seeing you in the next database tutorial.