Hello in this video we are going to look at the label frame which allows you to take a more advanced version of a naval base camp we're going to use a label as well and add it to it. So we're gonna say label sign. equals equals pack. Feel free to call yes naval naval The text the text label. Let's see. Oh yeah.
So now we got this label right here. And we put the inside label for you with, you know with in it to the drawing to the label frame. This is all something you can think of just like the title because you've got like sort of a border around it all the way around. So that is the label frame and we have added a label to it. You could add more stuff to it as well. And the next task, I recommend doing that, the more labels to it, etc.
If you have any questions about label frames, Feel free to check out the link that's attached to this video. And as usual, thanks for watching and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.