In the equations above VNC represent the price per pound in dollars of beef and chicken, respectively. x weeks after July 1 during last summer, what was the price per pound of beef when it was equal to the price per pound of chicken? Okay, so they're saying what was the price when B was equal to C and BNC represent the prices per beef and chicken respectively. So this is our beef, this is our chicken, okay. So they will be equal to each other, you will have the same price for each per pound after a certain number of weeks. So after a certain number of weeks after July 1, both prices will be equal.
So all we got to do is equate B and C to each other, get a value for x, then take that value, plug it into either the first or the second equation, and that'll give you the price that they are both we're at. Okay. So let's try that. So if you equate both bases to each other, so two points Three five plus 0.25 x that's equal to 1.75 plus 0.40 X, you will get after you simplify, you'll get 0.60 is equal to 0.15 x. So then x is equal to 1.60 over point one, five, all right, and that'll give you four. So we take that value for x, plug it all the way back into on a D. So let's, let's choose B, okay, so if you plug it in point two, five times four will be one, one plus 2.35.
And that'll give us 3.35. So after four weeks, both prices were 3.35 per pound. And that is just the