To understand the principles of organizational acupuncture, we have to first understand the principles of traditional acupuncture. Now acupuncture is a healing art that has been around for approximately 5000 years, and it's based on the idea of the existence of energy called Chi that flows through the human body. In yoga T is called prana. Some Western scientists call it bio electricity, but whenever you call it, she is the essence of life. It allows us to live and it powers the entire world around us. practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine focus on the movement of TCE through channels in the human body called meridians.
When she is flowing strongly through these meridians, it nourishes between cific organs in the body, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys and what have you. Now the practical and philosophical essence of acupuncture can be captured in three basic points. When she is flowing smoothly, it nourishes our internal organs and health is maintained. But when there are blockages when the CI is not moving through your meridians, or when the quality of your cheese poor illness can result to be healthy, we must ensure that she is flowing steadily to the different parts of our body. When it isn't acupuncture needles or acupressure massage are used to massage specific pressure points on the body. This action stimulates or redirects the chief flow to heal diseased organs and to help us maintain overall health and well being.
So it's ci real. based on my personal experience, I can say that it most certainly is. acupuncturist can feel and sense ci when working on a given You may have seen the karate or kung fu master who was able to power through a stack of boards or bricks with one punch or one strike. That's not magic. That's not a trick. That's the martial artists ability to summon is cheap and powered into his strikes.
Now, the field of acupuncture is a profoundly deep area. For the purposes of understanding organizational acupuncture, we need to focus on two basic ideas, the first being the existence of energy, g energy, and secondly, how that energy moves through the human body through the defined channels that we mentioned. Here are three key takeaways. Acupuncture is based on the principle of ensuring the smooth flow of cheap energy throughout the human body. energy moves along to find channels called meridians, when the energy within meridians has been blocked when it is a poor quality, disease can result. In the next lesson, we'll look at the equivalent of ci in an organizational context.
In short, we'll identify and define informational energy as the CI that powers an enterprise and enables it to achieve its objectives. Through good sound organizational communication between employees and teams.