So now we have seen how acupuncture is based on the idea of internal energy flowing through the human body through channels called meridians. And that when T energy is flowing strongly and smoothly through those channels that human health and vitality can result. In this lesson, we'll look at the equivalent of Ge energy in an organizational context. Now, there are many reasons why companies fail, can be due to poor products, bad customer service, poor financial management, any number of issues. But my theory of organizational acupuncture is focused on problems that result from poor communication, and poor information sharing throughout the enterprise. However, when these factors are optimized, we can consider a company to have strong internal energy or strong informational energy.
Data and intelligence are the fuel of any enterprise. Every organization needs strong information from the standpoint of financial information, operational information market insights and what have you. So, it is when this information this type of knowledge is flowing through the organization on a regular basis, that we could say that organizational health can be attained. Now, this may sound a little theoretical, let's bring it down to earth by looking at the specific characteristics of informational energy in terms of the organizational acupuncture model. internal energy from an organizational acupuncture standpoint, is based on communications that effectively and continually promote the vision, mission and values of the organization. As information that helps people understand what the company stands for, where it's headed in the marketplace, and what role people need to play in helping to achieve business objectives.
Next, internal energy is characterized by communications that clarify the corporate or business unit strategy. helping people understand the exact ways the company is deploying its resources and capital in order to grow and succeed. internal energy is also marked by communications that provide for a two way flow of information, ideas and insights between employees and management. That is the continual exchange of ideas that help the company and individual employees achieve their growth objectives. So up to now, we have talked about traditional acupuncture as a healing art. And we discussed the idea of cheap energy which flows through the human body through channels called meridians, in order to maintain human health.
In this lesson, we've tried to characterize Chi energy In terms of an organization's communication function, let's sum up with three key takeaways. The energy that flows through an organization is created by the ongoing collection and circulation of strategic information that is required for business decision making. This informational energy results from effective communications that regularly promote the company's vision, mission, values and business strategies. informational energy created through strong information management and knowledge sharing must continually circulate through the organization to help the business achieve its growth objectives. In the next lesson, we'll look at the organizational meridians the specific channels of communication, through which information, data and knowledge must flow in order to ensure organizational health.