Hi, I'm Mark Clemente. And thank you very much for your interest in this course called organizational acupuncture, which is designed to help you improve your culture by improving your internal workplace communications. Through the lectures and the accompanying course materials, you'll be learning how to create a vibrant culture that will enable you to achieve enduring business success. Now, acupuncture is a healing art, a so called alternative therapy that is designed to help people get healthy and stay healthy. Interestingly, the principles of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can be applied to help companies that are experiencing problems such as a broken or a toxic culture, or problem situations that result from a lack of communication, collaboration and teamwork. Here's some of the things that you'll learn in this course, that will enable you to attain and maintain what I call cultural health.
A therapeutic approach for curing business problems. Organizational acupuncture can advance your culture by improving these things. First worker productivity. It's been documented that effective internal communication between teams can improve overall company performance. Organizational acupuncture can help you improve employee satisfaction, which is derived from employees gaining a sense of empowerment. When they're able to provide feedback through to a channels of communication with management.
Organizational acupuncture can improve interdepartmental coordination. This results from a culture based on open communication and feedback and one in which people are working together toward common goals. Organizational acupuncture can also help your business improve its strategic agility. In other words, its ability to effectively plan for and capitalize on new marketplace opportunities. Acupuncture is a timeless Asian Medical technique that is designed to help you achieve physical emotional and spiritual health. Personally, I've had acupuncture treatments many times in my life with great success.
Professionally as a writer and consultant, I've been working in the area of business communications for more than 35 years. And for almost that long, I've been a student of Zen Dallas theory in the Asian martial arts. At a certain point, I realized that the problems facing companies can be looked at through the lens of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture theory. I asked the question if acupuncture could work for people, Why couldn't it work for companies and that's how the organizational acupuncture model came into be? Here's what you'll gain from this course. Through this course, you will learn a practical planning framework based on the concept of cultivating informational energy that can be harnessed to achieve Cultural Health and drive business results.
You will learn a new approach to solving business problems that can be traced to poor communication between employees and teams. situation where there is an us versus them mentality or when there are so called company silos. And you'll learn how to apply a model for proactively and strategically managing your internal communications for competitive advantage. Organizational acupuncture is based on the philosophy that to improve culture, we have to first improve internal workplace communications. And that's what this course is all about. So thank you very much for your interest, please sign on.
Let's get started.