So the last part of your collaborative event is the wrap up. So you know, you're done with the event, because you started with the end in mind. And you knew that, you know, either you were going to accomplish a certain amount of things, or your time was going to run up. So one of those two things has happened. And you are now in a position where you as a team need to decide if the collaboration part of your project is finished. You can more than likely come out of this meeting with a finished thought or a finished design, but probably not with a finished product, because that's going to require individuals to edit or to work on the design.
So for example, if we're using a document that we're talking about, then you're going to have one individual or maybe to edit it to make sure it still flows and paragraphs that removed you know, still make sense In this new context, so you don't want maybe that editing to happen as a group. But you can definitely come out of the meeting with a finished idea. So you need to make sure that everyone in the team is happy with presenting this as a finished product or as a finished concept. And you also want to decide if not, then we need to schedule our further collaboration. And does that involve the whole team, maybe it only involves breakout groups, or maybe involves several breakout groups and then the whole team reconvening, it can take a lot of different figurations. So as a manager, you don't have to be present at each and every breakout group which is really nice for you.
So I highly recommend those and then, you know, bring everyone back together for further sharing. So that's the wrap up section. Again, you want to praise everyone, thank them for their time. Thank them for that. their ideas and their willingness to come forward with it. And just really end on that positive note.
And that's, that's your day of collaboration. It was hopefully fun. Hopefully it was motivating and energizing and you're moving forward and you found some progress and some exciting new direction to take