Now let's talk about H. HS produced by exhaling and making a continuous voiceless sound. The tongue should be neutral and not touching anything. Very important. If you are voicing or vibrating your vocal cords while you're exhaling, you will make a vowel instead of an H. Do not vibrate your vocal cords, h is voiceless. All vowels are voiced. But H is not.
Do not omit ah at the beginning of a word. The first word in each pair will have an H, that the second word will not it will begin with a vowel hat at hit it heats eat Now if I put my fingers over my vocal cords, and I say an H I'm kind of whispering it and I don't feel any vibration. So when you say the word heat, there should be no vibration at the very beginning of the word because it's an H. Heat. But when you say the word eat, and you put your fingers here, eat, you feel some vibration right at the very beginning. hate it. Hi.
I heart art. Hot. Hot. Whoops. Oops. Hold on, hold on.
You can feel a lot of vibration on the Oh, so this is a good one. To compare the difference hold all human human headquarters headquarters Higher, higher heat the food before you eat it. I flew high in the sky. I can't hear with my right ear because we want the age to be silent. Make sure the vowel is voicing from the very beginning. Ah I can feel the vibration in my ah honest air earned exhausted exhibit TTY vehicle, Ghost ghastly rhyme, we do want to omit the H en mid sentence pronouns.
Now you don't have to omit the H 100% of the time. But if you always have an H on all your pronouns, you'll sound like you have an accent. He gave her a new job. He lost his job. I don't need to say he lost his job. I have better rhythm if I say he lost his job.
I only want to stress last in job. You do have to put the H on the pronoun at the beginning of the sentence. So he has an H he lost his job. His wife gave him a hard time. So the word him in the middle of the sentence didn't need an H. Then we can link gave and him together like gave him his wife gave him a hard time. Make sure you have an H on the word hard.
She wants you to give his note to her. When you're saying the letter H, such as an abbreviation, make sure you have a CH sound at the end of the H. html. HTTP. Notice that when I say abbreviations, I stress the very last letter in the abbreviation but every letter has to be very clear. HDMI, HBO, HMO, NHL PhD. Okay let's look at h in some it sentences Human Resources Hiring a new headhunter he hardly knows how to hold his fingers on the keyboard.
Hacking is a horribly hot topic. Computers make hundreds of handshakes to tell how to communicate with each other. He had to hit the hibernate button on his computer. She has hyperlinks on our homepage. The hashtag was intended to be humorous. Harry needs new hardware, including a hard drive.
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