K and G Video Lesson

9 minutes
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Okay, now let's study K and g, k and g are almost the same, the only differences in the voicing, both of them are made by pressing the back of the tongue up against the back of the top of the mouth and quickly releasing, the K is voiceless, so the vocal cords are not vibrating, but the G is voiced and the vocal cords will vibrate. You need a firmer contact for the K as an all the other voiceless consonants we've mentioned up till now. And if you smile, that will help you access the back of your mouth. Cut, cut, again quick in the Val before K, but extend the vowel before G. We're going to learn the different spellings that are associated with both K and G. There's a lot of them for K. And we're going to learn about the letter x because x incorporates either K or G. First of all, there's some words that have a Silent K so be aware of them.

It is silent and K and Spelling's knock, knowledge neck and there are silent G's and gn Spelling's sign, campaign net align. Okay, let's distinguish between K and G. Remember to press your tongue more firmly into the top of your mouth for K then for G came game core gore cap gap 10. Again kinky Ginko creates. Great for that kr MGR you need to pull your tongue back for the our crate. Great. Caught.

Got come. gum. Could. Good. Let's try it in the middle of a word. Remember to stretch out the vowel before a G. Meeker meter ankle angle backed bag plugged locker lager.

Let's try it at the end of a word leak league. Notice how quickly I said the first word leak and how I took more time on league. Rick rig. peck peck Lack, lag. puck. pug, lock, log.

Okay, very important. I hear this all the time with my students don't omit the K in the middle of a word. Yeah, it's work. It's it takes effort to make a case to use the back of your tongue, but you need to do it or it won't be right. Be especially careful when you have Katie, you have to roll your tongue from the back of the mouth to the front of the mouth. Like expect effect.

Expect Don't forget the smile on the K. Director, director, instructor connect the stinked inspect project Select ranked flunked now we have past tense, the E d will sound like a T test you have the K T sound flunked sparked. Let's look at the K s T sound. Next text faxed text relaxed. And we'll look at the case ch once more even though we already looked at it while we studied ch picture, actual fracture. And again the K s ch sound which we studied during the CH lesson, mixture, fixture texture and here we have k sh instruction and special election faction section now we're going to study the x. So a lot of people omit their exes or don't do the x quite right.

So, pay careful attention to this next section. The X will sound like a k s before voiceless consonants extreme extra. The T is a voiceless consonant. Extend. Expect experience experiment, expense. Exhale, exception context fixed.

The X will also sound like a k s at the end of a word tax facts fix Box X ray. X is not really at the end of the word an X ray, but that word has two parts to it and the hyphen is good enough for finalities in that x, x will also sound like k s before an unstressed vowel taxes faxes Texas taxi fixing and when the spelling is CC, we will also have a K sound. accident. Except success. Access. The X will sound like a Gz before a stressed vowel.

Very important. Exam again, exam. There's no case sound there is a G before the stress vowel exam Exact example. exaggerates exhaust the H is silent and exhaust. The expensive experiment was successful. He didn't expect the exam to be so exhausting.

Max exaggerated and extended his story. Okay, some other case spellings will be CH, qu, and qu E. Here's some ch words comma mile chameleon chorus chlorine architects. Here's some qu words. quail, liqueur, mosquito. And here's some qu e words. Unique, antique croquet, critiques critic.

Listen to the Christmas choir. Chlorine is a chemical used in water. Now let's look at the K and G and some it senses. electro mechanical technicians calibrate the equipment. Taxes are projected to increase. Gary and Kate successfully connected on Facebook.

Greg's colleagues worked with semiconductors. inspecting the source code will give you a glimpse of how it works. Select a copy Effective plug in electric car. How many megabytes are in a gigabyte? an analog signal goes through the network. The electric current makes a magnetic field.

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